A dictionary of simplified spelling, based on the publications of the United States Bureau of Education and the rules of the American Philolgical Association and the Simplified Spelling Board
A ofDictionarySimplified SpellingFrankH.VizetellyA DICTIONARY OPSIMPLIFIED SPELLINGon the of the UnitedBased Publications StatesBureau of Education and the Rules of theAmerican Association andPhilologicalthe BoardSimplified Spellingfrom theCompiledNEWFUNK & WAGNALLS STANDARD DICTIONARYOF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGEByFRANK H. LL.D.VIZETELLY, Litt.D.,Member the Council theof Advisory of Simplified Spelling Board;Author "Essentials and etc.of ofEnglish Speech Literature,FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANYNEW YORK and LONDON1915PREFACEa writer to one of our dailiesFEW the thatyears ago, great expressed hope"A the advocates of would issue a manual insimplified spelling containing,one order and convenient for all the termson thealphabetical quick consultation,of which have instead of the tothey thesimplification agreed," referring publichalf hundred bulletins have issued for the information it Threethey requires.have since this was and the factby suggestion made,years passed notwithstandingforamanual ofthat this kind havebeen received none has beenmany inquiries yetof the of this book is toissued. The such anpurpose compiler provide alpha-The consists of the forms ofbetical that haveguide. vocabulary simpler spellingfor from to timebeen recommended time the Americanadoption by Philologicalof whichAssociation and the were announcedSimplified Spelling Board, manythe United States of Education in its Bulletin Numberby Department 202,ofand the the three hundred ...
A ofDictionary
Simplified Spelling
on the of the UnitedBased Publications States
Bureau of Education and the Rules of the
American Association andPhilological
the BoardSimplified Spelling
from theCompiled
Member the Council theof Advisory of Simplified Spelling Board;
Author "Essentials and etc.of ofEnglish Speech Literature,
a writer to one of our dailiesFEW the thatyears ago, great expressed hope
"A the advocates of would issue a manual insimplified spelling containing,
one order and convenient for all the termson thealphabetical quick consultation,
of which have instead of the tothey thesimplification agreed," referring public
half hundred bulletins have issued for the information it Threethey requires.
have since this was and the factby suggestion made,years passed notwithstanding
foramanual ofthat this kind havebeen received none has beenmany inquiries yet
of the of this book is toissued. The such anpurpose compiler provide alpha-
The consists of the forms ofbetical that haveguide. vocabulary simpler spelling
for from to timebeen recommended time the Americanadoption by Philological
of whichAssociation and the were announcedSimplified Spelling Board, many
the United States of Education in its Bulletin Numberby Department 202,
ofand the the three hundred words recom-others, particularly simplifications
inmended the Board the Board's Circular Number asby Simplified Spelling 5,
for the ofthe bulletin entitled Use GovernmentSimplified Spelling Depart-
from the office of the Publicments issued directionPrinter, Sept. 4, 1906, by
of of the United Statesunder date of and thethe President Aug. 27, 1906, Simpli-
Board's "Alfabetic Circular Number issued March 1909.fied Spelling List," 23, 6,
In the of this book the writer is not concerned with the reasonscompilation
this or that word should be This has receivedwhy simplified. phase already
the attention of of the foremost scholars in All he hasmany English linguistry.
aimed to do is to in one volume a to the forms that words takeprovide guide
when the rules for recommended these scholars aresimplification by applied.
This aims to the need of those who have beenDictionary supply persons
interested in the Movement as to ask for ansufficiently Simplified Spelling
list of words to rule. The issimplified accordingalphabetical vocabulary
not but the number of words it contains is to coverexhaustive, sufficiently large
recommendedthe various classes of the rules referredsimplifications by already
to. be at will. The classified toIt numbermay enlarged rules, according
and to the societies that have recommended will be found else-them, printed
where. To indicate words that are to the rulessimplified according promulgated
the American the isAssociation, symbolby Philological printed immediately
after the word. Words in with the rules recommendedharmonysimplified
the Board are indicated the letter in thebyby Simplified Spelling printed
same manner. Where the form of the word is affected the rules of bothby
.Societies both letters are asused, colleag,
To of the Movement with the ade-provide supporters Simplified Spelling
wordmeans for how each should be divided at thequate determining simplified
58124'}vi PREFACE
end of a word is wherever theline, every syllabicated, showing, necessary, pri-
stress the mark after the accented themary (indicated by prime (') syllable),
stress the mark after the accentedsecondary (indicated by secondary (*) syl-
and the which indicates division in such of a(-)lable), hyphen syllabic parts
word as are not accented. The reader will understand that wordany may
be divided wherever or accent is indicated as well as wher-primary secondary
ever the is shown. As words in number be formedhyphen compound great may
the of one word with another dormer-by combining (as, table-cloth, door-nail,
these are inwindow, friction-clutch, road-house, high-ball, stomach-pump), not,
included. As an additional the character ofgeneral, convenience, grammatical
each word is followed an in italicindicated, being by abbreviation, printed type,
forits in a. for n. v. forindicating particular part speech; as, adjective; noun;
adv. for etc. In case the abbreviation is thatverb; adverb, every commonly
used for the same in dictionaries.purpose
As CircularNumber March and additional24, 1913, containing26, published
rules of the was issued after the editorial work onBoard,Simplified Spelling
"Funk & New Standard had been the rulesWagnalls Dictionary" completed,
that it announced could not be In theapplied. following pages, therefore, only
such words as the Board itself selected for theexamples, illustrating application
of the are included.rules,
The ventures to that the will be found tofollowing pagescompiler hope
the need for which have been and ac-adequately they compiled, provesupply,
to of the Movement as well as to theceptable supporters Simplified Spelling
had been ablewho would have that movement theirpeople given support they
for their It should beto secure a manualsimple, yet comprehensive, guidance.
borne in mind that in the that follow are not manda-the spellings printed pages
in sense of the are recorded there as recommended for thetory any word; they
use of the eminent scholars who have devoted of laboryearsgeneral public by
to the of amelioration of ofthe words,subject spelling English
F. H. V.
NEW 1915.YORK, September,