Fm»ii--A^ ^Monthly Publication.—May andJune.A G0LLE(JT10i\OFTHIRTY THOUSAND NAMESOFOTHERGERMAN, SWISS, DUTCH, FRENCH, PORTUGUESE ANDIMMIGRANTSINPENNSYLVANIAJCHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED FROM 1727 TO 1776;THE NAMES OF SHIl'S IN WHICH THESE IMMIGRANTS WERE TRANSPORTED,THE PLACE WHENCE, AND THE TIME WHEN TIIET SAILED,'THE TIME OF THEIR ARRIVAL AT PUILADELI'HIA,&C., &C., &C.^Dgliutcii »5<ull^ort{allfcn^c yiMi.rcuiM^cn I>alfcii MeI. DANIEL RITPP,PROJECTOR AND EDITOR OF AN ORIGINAL HISTORY OF RELIGIOUSDENOMINATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES, ME3IBER OF THE HIS. SCO. PA.,MEMBER OF THE DIAGNOTHEAN LITERARY SOCIETY OPJIAKSHALL COL., MEMBER OF THE PHRENA-KOSMIAN see. OF PA. COL., AUTHOROF THE HIS. OF LAN. CO.,OF BERKS, &C.goodly SonsThere were nine Homers, of song: but where u anyrecord the eight.—Tvv¥^B..of-«»-IIARRISBURG.—Periodical.Prospectus of a MonthlyTO BEIssued from and after April, 1856,RegularlyENTITLED,A COLLECTIONOFTHOUSAfJO NAMES, <&C.,THtRTV U.In compliance with the Laws of Pennsylvania, Masters of Ships im-the continent of Europe, furnished,porting emigrants from on theirarrival at the port of Philadelphia, exact Lists of all imported foreign-ers The original Lists are still preserved in the State Department,Harrisburg, and, but for these, comparativelyat few of living millionswould now scarce be able to determine with certainty the time of theirancestors' arrival. Those who can appreciate ...