Pointless Conversations - The Afterthoughts Collection , bd









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In this latest selection of Pointless Conversations, the previous 12 eBooks and their diverse, eclectic and unequivocally stupid topics are discussed and reassessed once more. Is Superman still a cowardly extraterrestrial? Are Holodecks more of a danger to our bowels than we once thought? Is it wrong to steal Bacon from Liam Neeson, and are some breakfast cereals racist? All these truly essential questions and more are answered...or at least attempted...in Pointless Conversations: The Afterthoughts Collection.
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Date de parution

24 février 2017





Poids de l'ouvrage

6 Mo

Front Matter ........................................................... i Tile Page ........................................................ i PublisHer Informaion ................................... ii
Pointless Conversations ....................................... 1 he AterHougHs Collecion ........................ 1
Back Matter .......................................................236 Also Available ............................................ 236
he AftertHougHts Collection
By Scott Tierney
PublisHer Information
PoIntless ConversatIons: he AftertHougHts CollectIon publIsHed In 2015 by Andrews UK LImIted www.andrewsuk.com
hIs book Is sold subject to tHe condItIon tHat It sHall not, by way of trade or otHerwIse, be lent, resold, HIred out or otHerwIse cIrculated wItHout tHe publIsHer’s prIor wrItten consent In any form of bIndIng or cover otHer tHan tHat In wHIcH It Is publIsHed, and wItHout a sImIlar condItIon beIng Imposed on tHe subsequent purcHaser.
he cHaracters and sItuatIons In tHIs book are entIrely ImagInary and bear no relatIon to any real person or actual HappenIng.
CopyrIgHt © 2015 Scott TIerney
he rIgHt of Scott TIerney to be IdentIied as autHor of tHIs book Has been asserted In accordance wItH sectIon 77 and 78 of tHe CopyrIgHts DesIgns and Patents Act 1988.
A poiNtless coNversatioN aboUt...erm... poiNtless coNversatioNs...?...
YoU kNow what, old chUm; over the years yoU aNd I have beeN eNGrossed iN some trUly GrippiNG coNversatioNs!
*SiGh*...have we?...wheNever yoU opeN yoUr moUth I teNd to driFt iN aNd oUt oF coNscioUsNess...
Hey, oF coUrse we have! ToGether we’ve exteNsively poNdered ReliGioN, HUmaNity, ExisteNtialism aNd DisNey porN; we’ve discUssed the pros aNd coNs oF toy GeNocide; aNd betweeN Us the riddle oF what happeNs to poo oN a holodeck has beeN UNriddled.
JUst thiNk oF what we’ve accomplished, all throUGh the power oF coNversatioNiNG! Yep, iNaNe meaNderiNGs aNd blabberiNGs that Not eveN 12 iNches oF spiNNiNG drill bit to the temple will ever erase...aNd I’ve Got the x-rays to prove it... aNd the miGraiNes...
...aNd the voices iN my head... So yoU kNow what I was thiNkeriNG? YoU aNd Little timmy waNt to borrow the drill?... Why doN’t we revisit those biG-ol sUccUleNt slabs oF coNversatioN blUbber, aNd Give them aNother rUddy-Good mUNchiNG.
Are yoU with me?! ToGether we shall Nibble aNd GNarl that hardeNed riNd oF past debate; let’s bite dowN to the GUm oN the Gristle oF memory, aNd GarGle, slobber aNd drool oUr sermoN saliva over the pUtrid oUter crUst oF dead Gibber Giblets! Brothers iN arms, we’ll sUckle the bUlboUs, pUsy Nipples oF iNtellectUal lard,aNd peNetrate the-
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