"GOLD or lower limit of normal definition? a comparison with expert-based diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a prospective cohort-study"
Güder Gülmisal, Brenner Susanne, Angermann, Ertl Georg, Held Matthias, Sachs, Lammers Jan-Willem, Zanen Pieter, Hoes, Störk Stefan, Rutten
"GOLD or lower limit of normal definition? a comparison with expert-based diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a prospective cohort-study"
Güder Gülmisal, Brenner Susanne, Angermann, Ertl Georg, Held Matthias, Sachs, Lammers Jan-Willem, Zanen Pieter, Hoes, Störk Stefan, Rutten
9 pages
Low-dose CT measurements of airway dimensions and emphysema associated with airflow limitation in heavy smokers: a cross sectional study
Dijkstra, Postma, Ten, Vonk, Oudkerk Matthijs, Mohamed, Zanen Pieter, Groen, Michael Schmidt, Van
A genetic polymorphism in the CAV1gene associates with the development of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation
Kastelijn, Kazemier, Roothaan, Ruven, Kwakkel-Van, Zanen Pieter, Grutters, Van