Upregulated expression of Annexin II is a prognostic marker for patients with gastric cancer
Zhang Qi, Ye Zaiyuan, Yang Qiong, He Xujun, Wang Huiju, Zhao, Zhao Zhongsheng
A genome-wide association for kidney function and endocrine-related traits in the NHLBI's Framingham Heart Study
Hwang Shih-Jen, Yang Qiong, Meigs, Pearce, Fox
Genome-wide association and linkage analyses of hemostatic factors and hematological phenotypes in the Framingham Heart Study
Yang Qiong, Kathiresan Sekar, Lin Jing-Ping, Tofler, O'Donnell
Efficacy and adverse effects of transdermal fentanyl and sustained-release oral morphine in treating moderate-severe cancer pain in Chinese population: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Yang Qiong, Xie De-Rong, Jiang Zhi-Min, Ma Wen, Zhang Yuan-Dong, Bi Zhuo-Fei, Chen Deng-Lin, Chen
Efficacy and adverse effects of transdermal fentanyl and sustained-release oral morphine in treating moderate-severe cancer pain in Chinese population: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Yang Qiong, Xie De-Rong, Jiang Zhi-Min, Ma Wen, Zhang Yuan-Dong, Bi Zhuo-Fei, Chen Deng-Lin, Chen
6 pages