CHK2 kinase expression is down-regulated due to promoter methylation in non-small cell lung cancer
Zhang Peilin, Gao Weiyi, Yuan Bao-Zhu, Rogers John, Reed, Reed Eddie, Wangjie
A health policy for hearing impairment in older Australians: what should it include?
Mitchell Paul, Leeder, Smith, Wangjie
Identification of putative biomarkers for the serodiagnosis of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Wang Qingzhong, Wang Wenjie, Liu Yanyan, Yue Jun, Xu Ying, Xu Wenxi, Cui Zhenling, Zhang Xuelian, Wang Honghai, Wangjie, Zhanglu
Functional analysis of transcription factor binding sites in human promoters
Whiteld, Partridge, Aldred Shelley, Trinklein, Myers, Weng, Weng Zhiping, Collins, Wangjie
Decreased expression of microRNA let-7i and its association with chemotherapeutic response in human gastric cancer
Liu Kun, Tang Liming, Yang Haohua, Ren Jun, Qian Tao, Ren, Wangjie
A novel anti-virulence gene revealed by proteomic analysis in Shigella flexneri2a
Zhao Ge, Zhu Li, Feng Erling, Cao Xiaoyu, Shang Na, Liu Xiankai, Liao Xiang, Ying Tianyi, Chen Huipeng, Wang Hengliang, Wangjie
DNA Methylation status of Wnt antagonist SFRP5 can predict the response to the EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in non-small cell lung cancer
Zhu Jian, Wang Yuyan, Duan Jianchun, Bai Hua, Wang Zhijie, Wei Lai, Zhao Jun, Zhuo Minglei, Wang Shuhang, Yang Lu, An Tongtong, Wu Meina, Wangjie
DNA Methylation status of Wnt antagonist SFRP5 can predict the response to the EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy in non-small cell lung cancer
Zhu Jian, Wang Yuyan, Duan Jianchun, Bai Hua, Wang Zhijie, Wei Lai, Zhao Jun, Zhuo Minglei, Wang Shuhang, Yang Lu, An Tongtong, Wu Meina, Wangjie
9 pages