Targeting HSP90 in ovarian cancers with multiple receptor tyrosine kinase coactivation
Jiao Yisheng, Ou Wenbin, Meng Fanguo, Zhou Haimeng, Wang Aiyuan, Wang
Systemic administration of urocortin after intracerebral hemorrhage reduces neurological deficits and neuroinflammation in rats
Liew Hock-Kean, Pang Cheng-Yoong, Hsu Chih-Wei, Wang Mei-Jen, Li Ting-Yi, Peng Hsiao-Fen, Kuo Jon-Son, Wang Jia-Yi, Wang
A shrinkage probability hypothesis density filter for multitarget tracking
Tong Huisi, Zhang Hao, Meng Huadong, Wang Xiqin, Wang
Clinical significance of serum lipids in idiopathic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Fang, Wang Chun, Zhang, Wang Wei, Jing Wu, Wang
Some exponential inequalities for acceptable random variables and complete convergence
Shen Aiting, Hu Shuhe, Volodin Andrei, Wang Xuejun, Wang
Daidzein induces neuritogenesis in DRG neuronal cultures
Yang Shih-Hung, Liao Chih-Chen, Syu Jhih-Pu, Jeng Chung-Jiuan, Wang Seu-Mei, Wang, Chen Ying
Integrated analysis of breast cancer cell lines reveals unique signaling pathways
Heiser, Talcott, Laderoute, Knapp Merrill, Guan Yinghui, Hu Zhi, Ziyad Safiyyah, Laquerre Sylvie, Wooster, Kuo Wen, Gray, Spellman, Jackson, Weber, Wang
Nm23-H1 suppresses hepatocarcinoma cell adhesion and migration on fibronectin by modulating glycosylation of integrin beta1
She Shangyang, Xu Boying, He Min, Lan Xiuwan, Wang Qiuyan, Wang
Improved glucose tolerance in acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1-null mice is dependent on diet
Cornick Claire, O'Dowd Jacqueline, Cawthorne, Arch, Wang
Optimized protocol for cryopreservation of human eggs improves developmental competence and implantation of resulting embryos
Liang Lifeng, Witz Craig, Williams Dan, Griffith Jason, Skorupski Josh, Haddad Ghassan, Gill Jimmy, Wang Weihua, Wang
Patterns and influencing factor of synonymous codon usage in porcine circovirus
Liu Xin-Sheng, Zhang Yong-Guang, Fang Yu-Zhen, Wang Yong-Lu, Wang
Up-regulation of hypoxia inducible factor-1α by cobalt chloride correlates with proliferation and apoptosis in PC-2 cells
Dai Zhi-Jun, Gao Jie, Ma Xiao-Bin, Yan Kun, Liu Xiao-Xu, Kang Hua-Feng, Ji Zong-Zheng, Guan Hai-Tao, Wang Xi-Jing, Wang
Production of lentiviral vectors with enhanced efficiency to target dendritic cells by attenuating mannosidase activity of mammalian cells
Tai April, Froelich Steven, Joo Kye-Il, Wang Pin, Wang
Clinical outcomes of active specific immunotherapy in advanced colorectal cancer and suspected minimal residual colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis and system review
Rao Benqiang, Han Minyan, Wang Lei, Gao Xiaoyan, Huang Jun, Huang Meijin, Liu Huanliang, Wang Jianping, Wang
Clinical outcomes of active specific immunotherapy in advanced colorectal cancer and suspected minimal residual colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis and system review
Rao Benqiang, Han Minyan, Wang Lei, Gao Xiaoyan, Huang Jun, Huang Meijin, Liu Huanliang, Wang Jianping, Wang
11 pages
SOMEA: self-organizing map based extraction algorithm for DNA motif identification with heterogeneous model
Lee Nung, Wang Dianhui, Wang
In vivo99mTc-HYNIC-annexin V imaging of early tumor apoptosis in mice after single dose irradiation
Guo Ming-Fang, Zhao Yaqing, Tian Rong, Guo Leiming, Xu Feng, Liu Yong-Mei, He Yong-Bo, Bai Sen, Wang Jin, Wang, Lin Li
The role of estrogen receptor alpha in mediating chemoresistance in breast cancer cells
Jiang Zhinong, Guo Junlan, Shen Jianguo, Jin Mei, Xie Shuduo, Wang Linbo, Wang
Novel biomarkers predict liver fibrosis in hepatitis C patients: alpha 2 macroglobulin, vitamin D binding protein and apolipoprotein AI
Ho Ai-Sheng, Cheng Chun-Chia, Lee Shui-Cheng, Liu Meng-Lun, Lee Jing-Ying, Wang Wen-Ming, Wang Chia-Chi, Wang
2128 Free-breathing steady-state free precession 3D coronary MRA: comparison of diaphragm and cardiac fat navigator techniques
Spincemaille Pascal, Nguyen, Prince, Wangyi, Wang
1124 Automated soft segmentation of the left ventricle using myocardial effusion threshold reduction and intravoxel computation (METRIC)
Codella Noel, Weinsaft, Cham, Janik Matthew, Wang, Prince, Wangyi
Novel sequences of subgroup J avian leukosis viruses associated with hemangioma in Chinese layer hens
Pan Wei, Gao Yulong, Sun Fenfen, Qin Litin, Liu Zaisi, Yun Bingling, Wang Yongqiang, Qi Xiaole, Gao Honglei, Wang Xiaomei, Wang
Characterisation of the vitreous proteome in proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Wang Hao, Feng Le, Hu Jian, Xie Chun, Wang Fang, Wang
An approach for jatropha improvement using pleiotropic QTLs regulating plant growth and seed yield
Sun Fei, Liu Peng, Ye Jian, Lo Loong, Cao Suying, Li Lei, Yue Gen, Wang Chun, Wang
Risk factors of brain metastases in completely resected pathological stage IIIA-N2 non-small cell lung cancer
Ding Xiao, Dai Honghai, Hui Zhouguang, Ji Wei, Liang Jun, Lv Jima, Zhou Zongmei, Yin Weibo, He Jie, Wang Luhua, Wang
Deletion or insertion in the first immunoglobulin-plexin-transcription (IPT) domain differentially regulates expression and tumorigenic activities of RON receptor Tyrosine Kinase
Ma Qi, Zhang Kun, Guin Sunny, Zhou Yong-Qing, Wang Ming-Hai, Wang
Biomedical engineering meets acupuncture - development of a miniaturized 48-channel skin impedance measurement system for needle and laser acupuncture
Litscher Gerhard, Wang Lu, Wang