Metabolic changes in schizophrenia and human brain evolution
Khaitovich Philipp, Lockstone, Wayland, Tsang, Jayatilaka, Zhou Jie, Somel Mehmet, Holmes Elaine, Pääbo Svante, Bahn Sabine, Harris, Guo
Virulence determinants, drug resistance and mobile genetic elements of Laribacter hongkongensis: a genome-wide analysis
Wong, Tsang, Teng, Tse Herman, Yuen Kwok-Yung, Woo, Fan, Lau
Environmental adaptability and stress tolerance of Laribacter hongkongensis: a genome-wide analysis
Wong, Tsang, Teng, Chen Wenyang, Watt, Curreem, Tse Herman, Yuen Kwok-Yung, Woo, Fan, Lau, Ho
Mural granulosa cell gene expression associated with oocyte developmental competence
Jiang Jin-Yi, Xiong Huiling, Cao Mingju, Sirard Marc-Andre, Tsang, Xia Xuhua
Cytolytic T lymphocytes from HLA-B8+donors frequently recognize the Hodgkin's lymphoma associated latent membrane protein 2 of Epstein Barr virus
Tsang, Münz, Münz Christian
Comparison of single versus fractionated dose of stereotactic radiotherapy for salvaging local failures of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a matched-cohort analysis
Chua, Wu Shao-Xiong, Lee Victor, Tsang, Tsang Janice
A comparison of mantle versus involved-field radiotherapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma: reduction in normal tissue dose and second cancer risk
Koh Eng-Siew, Tran Tu, Heydarian Mostafa, Sachs, Tsang, Brenner, Pintilie Melania, Xu Tony, Chung June, Paul Narinder, Hodgson
A comparison of mantle versus involved-field radiotherapy for Hodgkin's lymphoma: reduction in normal tissue dose and second cancer risk
Koh Eng-Siew, Tran Tu, Heydarian Mostafa, Sachs, Tsang, Brenner, Pintilie Melania, Xu Tony, Chung June, Paul Narinder, Hodgson
11 pages
Temporal and spatial expression of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 1 and 2 (TIMP-1 and -2) in the bovine corpus luteum
Zhang Bo, Moses, Tsang