Multiplatform genome-wide identification and modeling of functional human estrogen receptor binding sites
Vega, Lin Chin-Yo, Lai Koon, Su Xiaodi, Teh Huey, Sung Wing, Bourque Guillaume, Li, Liu, Thomsen, Xie Min
The association between farmers’ participation in herd health programmes and their behaviour concerning treatment of mild clinical mastitis
Lind Ann-Kristina, Rintakoski Simo, Espetvedt, Wolff Cecilia, Houe, Houe Hans, Thomsen
Prevention of upper limb symptoms and signs of nerve afflictions in computer operators: The effect of intervention by stretching
Jepsen, Thomsen Gert, Thomsen
Increases in the completeness of disease records in dairy databases following changes in the criteria determining whether a record counts as correct
Lind Ann-Kristina, Houe Hans, Espetvedt, Wolff Cecilia, Rintakoski Simo, Thomsen
Better mental health in children of Vietnamese refugees compared with their Norwegian peers - a matter of cultural difference?
Vaage Aina, Tingvold Laila, Hauff Edvard, Van, Wentzel-Larsen Tore, Clench-Aas Jocelyne, Thomsen Per, Thomsen
Discovery of estrogen receptor α target genes and response elements in breast tumor cells
Lin Chin-Yo, Ström Anders, Vega Vinsensius, Chan Wan, Doray Balraj, Bangarusamy, Ramasamy Adaikalavan, Vergara, Tang Suisheng, Chong Allen, Bajic, Gustafsson Jan-Åke, Liu, Miller, Thomsen, Li
Discovery of estrogen receptor α target genes and response elements in breast tumor cells
Lin Chin-Yo, Ström Anders, Vega Vinsensius, Chan Wan, Doray Balraj, Bangarusamy, Ramasamy Adaikalavan, Vergara, Tang Suisheng, Chong Allen, Bajic, Gustafsson Jan-Åke, Liu, Miller, Thomsen, Li
18 pages
Paternal predictors of the mental health of children of Vietnamese refugees
Vaage, Rousseau Cécile, Wentzel-Larsen Tore, Hauff, Hauff Edvard, Thomsen, Ta
Effects of crpdeletion in Salmonella entericaserotype Gallinarum
Rosu Valentina, Chadfield, Santona Antonella, Christensen, Rubino Salvatore, Olsen, Thomsen
Preadmission statin use and one-year mortality among patients in intensive care - A cohort study
Christensen Steffen, Pedersen Lars, Tønnesen Else, Johansen, Jensen Reinhold, Larsson Anders, Sørensen, Sørensen Henrik, Larsen, Thomsen
Conservation and evolutionary divergence in the activity of receptor-regulated smads
Sorrentino, Oomen-Hajagos Jamina, Thomsen, Gillis
The impact of statin use on pneumonia risk and outcome: a combined population-based case-control and cohort study
Nielsen Anders, Nielsen Rikke, Riis Anders, Johnsen Søren, Sørensen Henrik, Thomsen Reimar, Thomsen
Muscle fatigue in relation to forearm pain and tenderness among professional computer users
Johnson, Svendsen, Kryger, Bonde, Thomsen, Bonde Jens
Generalized cerebral atrophy seen on MRI in a naturally exposed animal model for creutzfeldt-jakob disease
Mcknight, Minkoff, Habecker, Sweeney, Smith Gary, Dasanu, Thomsen, Sutton, Ichim, Alexandrescu, Stutman