A case-control study of GSTpolymorphisms and arsenic related skin lesions
Mccarty, Ryan Louise, Houseman, Quamruzzaman Quazi, Rahman Mahmuder, Mahiuddin Golam, Gonzalez Ernesto, Su Li, Christiani, Miller, Williams, Thomas Smith
Interpreting malaria age-prevalence and incidence curves: a simulation study of the effects of different types of heterogeneity
Ross Amanda, Smith, Thomas Smith
Spatial and temporal dynamics of malaria transmission in rural Western Kenya
Amek Nyaguara, Bayoh Nabie, Hamel Mary, Lindblade, Gimnig, Odhiambo Frank, Laserson, Slutsker Laurence, Vounatsou, Vounatsou Penelope, Thomas Smith
Spatio-temporal analysis of the role of climate in inter-annual variation of malaria incidence in Zimbabwe
Thomas Smith, Mabaso, Vounatsou Penelope, Midzi Stanely, Smith, Ad
Transfert vertical des gaz rares à l'échelle des différentes formations de la zone de transposition du site Meuse/Haute-Marne et à l'échelle des eaux porales de l'argilite du Callovo-Oxfordien
Thomas Smith