Hepatitis B virus genotypes/subgenotypes in voluntary blood donors in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
Utama Andi, Octavia, Dhenni Rama, Miskad, Yusuf Irawan, Tai Susan, Tai
Differentiation and fiber type-specific activity of a muscle creatine kinase intronic enhancer
Fisher-Aylor, Himeda, Mackenzie, Helterline, Angello, Welikson, Wold, Hauschka, Smith, Tai
Contamination of human DNA samples with mouse DNA can lead to false detection of XMRV-like sequences
Oakes Brendan, Henefield, Levine Susan, Coffin, Huber, Tai, Cingoz Oya
Analysis of health related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients with clinically localized prostate cancer, one year after treatment with external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) alone versus EBRT and high dose rate brachytherapy (HDRBT)
Alvi Riaz, Skarsgard David, Tonita Jon, Pervez Nadeem, Small Cormac, Tai Patricia, Joseph, Tai
Analysis of health related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients with clinically localized prostate cancer, one year after treatment with external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) alone versus EBRT and high dose rate brachytherapy (HDRBT)
Alvi Riaz, Skarsgard David, Tonita Jon, Pervez Nadeem, Small Cormac, Tai Patricia, Joseph, Tai
5 pages
Anthropometric, biochemical and clinical assessment of malnutrition in Malaysian patients with advanced cirrhosis
Goh Khean-Lee, Mohd-Taib Siti, Rampal Sanjay, Mahadeva, Mahadeva Sanjiv, Tai
Outcome analysis of breast cancer patients who declined evidence-based treatment
Joseph Kurian, Vrouwe Sebastian, Kamruzzaman Anmmd, Balbaid Ali, Fenton David, Berendt Richard, Yu Edward, Tai Patricia, Tai
Cholesterol-raising diterpenes in types of coffee commonly consumed in Singapore, Indonesia and India and associations with blood lipids: A survey and cross sectional study
Naidoo Nasheen, Chen Cynthia, Rebello, Speer Karl, Lee Jeanette, Buchmann Sandra, Koelling-Speer Isabelle, Van, Tai
Cholesterol-raising diterpenes in types of coffee commonly consumed in Singapore, Indonesia and India and associations with blood lipids: A survey and cross sectional study
Naidoo Nasheen, Chen Cynthia, Rebello, Speer Karl, Lee Jeanette, Buchmann Sandra, Koelling-Speer Isabelle, Van, Tai
10 pages
Acute toxicity in prostate cancer patients treated with and without image-guided radiotherapy
Gill Suki, Thomas Jessica, Kron Tomas, Rolfo Aldo, Leahy Mary, Chander Sarat, Williams Scott, Duchesne, Foroudi Farshad, Tai, Fox Chris
Coffee and tea consumption in relation to inflammation and basal glucose metabolism in a multi-ethnic Asian population: a cross-sectional study
Rebello, Naidoo Nasheen, Xu Wang, Lee Jeannette, Chia, Van, Chen, Tai