Bias towards publishing positive results in orthopedic and general surgery: a patient safety issue?
Hasenboehler, Choudhry, Newman, Ziran, Stahel, Smith
Inhibition of the alternative complement activation pathway in traumatic brain injury by a monoclonal anti-factor B antibody: a randomized placebo-controlled study in mice
Leinhase Iris, Rozanski Michal, Harhausen Denise, Thurman, Hossini, Rittirsch Daniel, Holers, Ertel Wolfgang, Stahel, Ward, Taha, Schmidt
Inhibition of the alternative complement activation pathway in traumatic brain injury by a monoclonal anti-factor B antibody: a randomized placebo-controlled study in mice
Leinhase Iris, Rozanski Michal, Harhausen Denise, Thurman, Hossini, Rittirsch Daniel, Holers, Ertel Wolfgang, Stahel, Ward, Taha, Schmidt
12 pages
Prevalence of sacral dysmorphia in a prospective trauma population: Implications for a "safe" surgical corridor for sacro-iliac screw placement
Hasenboehler, Stahel, Williams Allison, Newman, Symonds, Smith, Morgan
Disturbances of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and plasma electrolytes during experimental sepsis
Flierl, Rittirsch Daniel, Weckbach Sebastian, Huber-Lang Markus, Ipaktchi Kyros, Stahel, Ward
Human agonistic TRAIL receptor antibodies Mapatumumab and Lexatumumab induce apoptosis in malignant mesothelioma and act synergistically with cisplatin
Belyanskaya, Marti, Hopkins-Donaldson Sally, Kurtz Stefanie, Felley-Bosco Emanuela, Stahel
Absence of the complement regulatory molecule CD59a leads to exacerbated neuropathology after traumatic brain injury in mice
Stahel, Flierl, Persigehl Ivonne, Stoll Christiane, Conrad Claudia, Touban, Beauchamp Kathryn, Ertel Wolfgang, Leinhase Iris, Smith, Morgan, Schmidt
Absence of the complement regulatory molecule CD59a leads to exacerbated neuropathology after traumatic brain injury in mice
Stahel, Flierl, Persigehl Ivonne, Stoll Christiane, Conrad Claudia, Touban, Beauchamp Kathryn, Ertel Wolfgang, Leinhase Iris, Smith, Morgan, Schmidt
11 pages
Management of bleeding following major trauma: an updated European guideline
Bouillon Bertil, Cerny Vladimir, Coats, Duranteau Jacques, Fernández-Mondéjar Enrique, Komadina Radko, Nardi Giuseppe, Neugebauer Edmund, Ozier Yves, Riddez Louis, Schultz Arthur, Stahel, Spahn, Jean-Louis Vincent, Rossaint Rolf, Hunt
Management of bleeding following major trauma: an updated European guideline
Bouillon Bertil, Cerny Vladimir, Coats, Duranteau Jacques, Fernández-Mondéjar Enrique, Komadina Radko, Nardi Giuseppe, Neugebauer Edmund, Ozier Yves, Riddez Louis, Schultz Arthur, Stahel, Spahn, Jean-Louis Vincent, Rossaint Rolf, Hunt
29 pages
Management of bleeding following major trauma: a European guideline
Spahn, Cerny Vladimir, Coats, Duranteau Jacques, Fernández-Mondéjar Enrique, Gordini Giovanni, Stahel, Komadina Radko, Neugebauer Edmund, Ozier Yves, Riddez Louis, Schultz Arthur, Hunt, Rossaint Rolf, Jean-Louis Vincent
Management of bleeding following major trauma: a European guideline
Spahn, Cerny Vladimir, Coats, Duranteau Jacques, Fernández-Mondéjar Enrique, Gordini Giovanni, Stahel, Komadina Radko, Neugebauer Edmund, Ozier Yves, Riddez Louis, Schultz Arthur, Hunt, Rossaint Rolf, Jean-Louis Vincent
22 pages
Membrane attack complex inhibitor CD59a protects against focal cerebral ischemia in mice
Harhausen Denise, Khojasteh Uldus, Stahel, Nietfeld Wilfried, Dirnagl Ulrich, Trendelenburg, Trendelenburg George, Morgan
Complications and safety aspects of kyphoplasty for osteoporotic vertebral fractures: a prospective follow-up study in 102 consecutive patients
Robinson Yohan, Tschöke Sven, Stahel, Kayser Ralph, Heyde
Inhibition of complement C5a prevents breakdown of the blood-brain barrier and pituitary dysfunction in experimental sepsis
Flierl, Stahel, Rittirsch Daniel, Huber-Lang Markus, Niederbichler, Hoesel, Touban, Ipaktchi Kyros, Smith, Ward, Morgan