WHO Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health in Latin America: classifying caesarean sections
Betrán, Gulmezoglu, Robson Michael, Merialdi Mario, Souza, Wojdyla Daniel, Widmer Mariana, Carroli Guillermo, Torloni, Langer Ana, Narváez Alberto, Velasco Alejandro, Faúndes Anibal, Acosta Arnaldo, Valladares Eliette, Romero Mariana, Zavaleta Nelly, Reynoso Sofia, Bataglia Vicente
WHO Global Survey on Maternal and Perinatal Health in Latin America: classifying caesarean sections
Betrán, Gulmezoglu, Robson Michael, Merialdi Mario, Souza, Wojdyla Daniel, Widmer Mariana, Carroli Guillermo, Torloni, Langer Ana, Narváez Alberto, Velasco Alejandro, Faúndes Anibal, Acosta Arnaldo, Valladares Eliette, Romero Mariana, Zavaleta Nelly, Reynoso Sofia, Bataglia Vicente
8 pages
A new integrative weaning index of discontinuation from mechanical ventilation
Nemer, Barbas, Cárias, Azeredo, Guimarães, Souza, Caldeira, Santos, Almeida, Noé
Bioconversion of biodiesel refinery waste in the bioemulsifier by Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans CLA2
Domingues Vitor, Souza, Lula Ivana, Gonçalves Daniel, Dos, De
IL1B, IL4R, IL12RB1 and TNF gene polymorphisms are associated with Plasmodium vivax malaria in Brazil
Sortica, Ohnishi, Souza, Ribeiro-Dos-Santos, Callegari-Jacques, Hutz, Santos, Cunha
Enhanced performance of heterogeneous networks through full-duplex relaying
Alves Hirley, Bennis Mehdi, Souza, Latva-Aho, Latva-Aho Matti
Stimulation of peripheral Kappa opioid receptors inhibits inflammatory hyperalgesia via activation of the PI3Kγ/AKT/nNOS/NO signaling pathway
Souza, Domingues, Carreira, Lotufo, Funez, Verri, Ferreira, Cunha
Serum levels of S100B and NSE proteins in Alzheimer's disease patients
Camozzato, Piazenski Isabel, Kochhann Renata, Dall'Igna Oscar, Mazzini, Souza, Portela, Ferreira, Chaves
Effects of olive oil and its minor phenolic constituents on obesity-induced cardiac metabolic changes
Ebaid, Seiva, Souza, Novelli, Rocha
Assessment of funnel plot asymmetry and publication bias in reproductive health meta-analyses: an analytic survey
Souza, Pileggi Cynthia, Cecatti
Evaluation of adverse effects in tamoxifen exposed healthy female dogs
Tavares, Figueiredo, Souza, Bertagnolli, Carneiro, Cassali, Viana, Melo, Paes, Lavalle, Cavalcanti
Effect of the consumption of a new symbiotic shake on glycemia and cholesterol levels in elderly people with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Moroti Camila, Sivieri, Sivieri Katia, Cavallini, De, Souza
Sedentary subjects have higher PAI-1 and lipoproteins levels than highly trained athletes
Lira, Lima-Silva, Souza, Caperuto, Seelaender, Damaso, Oyama, Santos, Rosa
CD3e expression in HTLV-1-infected individuals is associated with proviral load and Tax expression
Pinto Mariana, Malta Tathiane, Pinheiro Daniel, Rodrigues Evandra, Panepucci, Souza, Malmegrim, Takayanagui, Covas Dimas, Kashima Simone, Palma
The impact of burning mouth syndrome on health-related quality of life
Souza, Bernardes, Kümmer, Abreu, Silva, Teixeira, Santos
Histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis of infectious agents, T-cell subpopulations and inflammatory adhesion molecules in placentas from HIV-seropositive pregnant women
Baurakiades Emanuele, Souza, Abujamra Karla, Mecatti, Victor, De, Silva, Santos, Martins, Pimentel, Cruz, Saito
Histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analysis of infectious agents, T-cell subpopulations and inflammatory adhesion molecules in placentas from HIV-seropositive pregnant women
Baurakiades Emanuele, Souza, Abujamra Karla, Mecatti, Victor, De, Silva, Santos, Martins, Pimentel, Cruz, Saito
7 pages
Caspase-1 is involved in the genesis of inflammatory hypernociception by contributing to peripheral IL-1β maturation
Talbot Jhimmy, Souza, Sonego Fabiane, Verri, Zamboni, Vieira, Cunha, Pinto, Guerrero, Ferreira
Integrating mental health into primary care for displaced populations: the experience of Mindanao, Philippines
Mueller Yolanda, Cristofani Susanna, Malaguiok, Gil Tatiana, Grais, Souza, Souza Renato, Rodríguez Carmen
Chiropractic manipulation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: a pilot study
Feise, Crowther, Grod, Menke, Goldsmith, Stoline, Souza, Kambach, Kambach Brandon, Rowe
Reliability of a tool for measuring theory of planned behaviour constructs for use in evaluating research use in policymaking
Boyko, Lavis, Dobbins Maureen, Souza
Echocardiographic predictors of early in-hospital heart failure during first ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction: does myocardial performance index and left atrial volume improve diagnosis over conventional parameters of left ventricular function?
Souza, Campos Orlando, Peres, Carvalho, Machado
Echocardiographic predictors of early in-hospital heart failure during first ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction: does myocardial performance index and left atrial volume improve diagnosis over conventional parameters of left ventricular function?
Souza, Campos Orlando, Peres, Carvalho, Machado
6 pages
Pre-validation of the WHO organ dysfunction based criteria for identification of maternal near miss
Cecatti, Souza, Parpinelli, Say Lale, Pattinson, Oliveira, Sousa
Use of verbal autopsy in a national health information system: Effects of the investigation of ill-defined causes of death on proportional mortality due to injury in small municipalities in Brazil
França Elisabeth, Campos Deise, Guimarães, Souza
Increased interleukin-10 and interferon-γ levels in Plasmodium vivaxmalaria suggest a reciprocal regulation which is not altered by IL-10 gene promoter polymorphism
Medina, Souza, Vallinoto, Póvoa, Ventura, Silva, Oliveira, Costa, Gomes, Cunha
Lack of effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics in DARPP-32 and NCS-1 levels in PC12 cells overexpressing NCS-1
Souza, Scotti-Muzzi Estêvão, Guimarães, Carneiro, Jeromin Andreas, Romano-Silva, Rosa, Torres, Miranda, Reis, Motta
Comparison of different delivery systems of DNA vaccination for the induction of protection against tuberculosis in mice and guinea pigs
Carlos Daniela, Matias-Peres Camila, Sorgi, Souza, Bladés, Galleti, Bonato, Faccioli, Gonçalves, De, Silva, Soares
High-rate systematic recursive convolutional encoders: minimal trellis and code search
Benchimol Isaac, Pimentel Cecilio, Souza, Uchôa-Filho
Lidocaine for systemic sclerosis: a double-blind randomized clinical trial
Riera Rachel, Andrade, Souza, Kayser Cristiane, Yanagita, Trevisani
Development and validation of a questionnaire to identify severe maternal morbidity in epidemiological surveys
Souza, Cecatti, Pacagnella, Giavarotti, Parpinelli, Camargo, Sousa
Endotoxin levels correlate positively with a sedentary lifestyle and negatively with highly trained subjects
Lira, Souza, Caperuto, Carnevali, Seelaender Marília, Damaso, Oyama, Rosa, Pimentel, De, Santos