Astrocytes generated from patient induced pluripotent stem cells recapitulate features of Huntington’s disease patient cells
Juopperi, Kim Woon, Chiang Cheng-Hsuan, Yu Huimei, Margolis, Ross, Ming Guo-Li, Song Hongjun, Song
Isolation and characterization of a variant porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in China
Pan Yongfei, Tian Xiaoyan, Zhou Qingfeng, Wang Dongdong, Bi Yingzuo, Chen Feng, Song Yanhua, Song, Wei Li
QoS-aware multihop routing in wireless sensor networks with power control using demodulation-and-forward protocol
Song, Wu Jianjun, Ren Shubo, Jiang Yun, Song Lingyang
Chronic OVA allergen challenged Siglec-F deficient mice have increased mucus, remodeling, and epithelial Siglec-F ligands which are up-regulated by IL-4 and IL-13
Pham Alexa, Rosenthal Peter, Miller Marina, Dayan Shanna, Doherty, Varki Ajit, Broide, Song, Cho
Chronic OVA allergen challenged Siglec-F deficient mice have increased mucus, remodeling, and epithelial Siglec-F ligands which are up-regulated by IL-4 and IL-13
Pham Alexa, Rosenthal Peter, Miller Marina, Dayan Shanna, Doherty, Varki Ajit, Broide, Song, Cho
14 pages
Incidental thyroid lesions detected by FDG-PET/CT: prevalence and risk of thyroid cancer
Song, Bae Ja, Chae Byung, Park Woo, Kim Jeong, Kim Sung, Jung Sang, Song Byung
Alpha-1 antitrypsin protein and gene therapies decrease autoimmunity and delay arthritis development in mouse model
Grimstein Christian, Choi Young-Kook, Wasserfall, Satoh Minoru, Brantly, Campbell-Thompson Martha, Song Sihong, Song, Atkinson
Enhancement of humoral immunity in mice by coupling pUCpGs10 and aluminium to the HCV recombinant immunogen
Xiu, Chen Kun, Bai, Dai, Zhang, Yang, Zhu, Song, Zhanna, Wang
Antiproliferative and cell apoptosis-inducing activities of compounds from Buddleja davidii in Mgc-803 cells
Wu Jian, Yi Wenshi, Jin Linhong, Hu Deyu, Song Baoan, Song
Incidence and clinicopathologic behavior of uterine cervical carcinoma in renal transplant recipients
Hur, Lee, Park, Song
Microvesicles secreted by macrophages shuttle invasion-potentiating microRNAs into breast cancer cells
Yang Mei, Chen Jingqi, Su Fang, Su Fengxi, Lin Ling, Liu Yujie, Huang Jian-Dong, Song Erwei, Song, Yu Bin
Residual tumor after the salvage surgery is the major risk factors for primary treatment failure in malignant ovarian germ cell tumors: A retrospective study of single institution
Ki, Hur, Lee, Park, Song, Ryu
Increased expression of cysteine cathepsins in ovarian tissue from chickens with ovarian cancer
Ahn, Choi Jin, Rengaraj Deivendran, Seo Hee, Lim Whasun, Han Jae, Song Gwonhwa, Song
Carbonic anhydrase XII expression is associated with histologic grade of cervical cancer and superior radiotherapy outcome
Yoo Chong, Nam Byung-Ho, Kim Joo-Young, Shin Hye-Jin, Lim Hyunsun, Lee Sun, Lee Su-Kyoung, Lim Myong-Cheol, Song Yong-Jung, Song
Human endometrial cell coculture reduces the endocrine disruptor toxicity on mouse embryo development
Lee Myeong-Seop, Lee Young-Sang, Lee Hae-Hyeog, Song Ho-Yeon, Song
GOLPH3 overexpression correlates with tumor progression and poor prognosis in patients with clinically N0 oral tongue cancer
Li Huan, Guo Ling, Chen Shu-Wei, Zhao Xiao-Hui, Zhuang Shi-Min, Wang Li-Ping, Song Li-Bing, Song Ming, Song
Spatio-temporal analysis of malaria incidence at the village level in a malaria-endemic area in Hainan, China
Wen Liang, Li Chengyi, Lin Minghe, Yuan Zhengquan, Huo Donghui, Li Shenlong, Wang Yong, Chu Chenyi, Jia Ruizhong, Song Hongbin, Song
Differing alterations of sodium currents in small dorsal root ganglion neurons after ganglion compression and peripheral nerve injury
Huang Zhi-Jiang, Song Xue-Jun, Song
A comparison of dose-response characteristics of four NTCP models using outcomes of radiation-induced optic neuropathy and retinopathy
Moiseenko Vitali, Bhandare, Bhandare Niranjan, Song, Mell
Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) regulates bladder nociception
Vogt, Crock, Stemler, Abbosh Philip, Qiu Chang-Shen, Mysorekar, Gereau, Song, Lai
Sublingual immunization with recombinant adenovirus encoding SARS-CoV spike protein induces systemic and mucosal immunity without redirection of the virus to the brain
Shim Byoung-Shik, Stadler Konrad, Nguyen Huan, Yun Cheol-Heui, Kim Dong, Chang Jun, Czerkinsky Cecil, Song Man, Song
Sublingual immunization with recombinant adenovirus encoding SARS-CoV spike protein induces systemic and mucosal immunity without redirection of the virus to the brain
Shim Byoung-Shik, Stadler Konrad, Nguyen Huan, Yun Cheol-Heui, Kim Dong, Chang Jun, Czerkinsky Cecil, Song Man, Song
9 pages
Association study of polymorphisms in synaptic vesicle-associated genes, SYN2and CPLX2, with schizophrenia
Jin Sheng-Yu, Hong, Chung Joo-Ho, Shibata Hiroki, Fukumaki, Fukumaki Yasuyuki, Lee, Kim, Song, Park
Patterned thin metal film for the lateral resolution measurement of photoacoustic tomography
Kim Do-Hyun, Shin Dong-Ho, Ryu Sang, Song Chul-Gyu, Song
Managing burn victims of suicide bombing attacks: outcomes, lessons learnt, and changes made from three attacks in Indonesia
Chim Harvey, Yew Woon, Song Colin, Song
An athymic rat model of cutaneous radiation injury designed to study human tissue-based wound therapy
Rifkin, Stojadinovic Strahinja, Maxted, Kashefi, Speiser, Saint-Cyr Michel, Rohrich, Solberg, Brown, Stewart, Song, Story, Bell
On mixed boundary value problem of impulsive semilinear evolution equations of fractional order
Zhang Lihong, Wang Guotao, Song Guangxing, Song