XMRV replicates preferentially in mucosal sites in vivo: Relevance to XMRV transmission?
Molinaro Ross, Sharma Prachi, Gaughan Christina, Qiu Xiaoxing, Das, Villinger Francois, Onlamoon Nattawat, John Hackett, Suppiah Suganthi, Rogers Kenneth, Klein Eric, Schochetman Gerald, Silverman
XMRV replicates preferentially in mucosal sites in vivo: Relevance to XMRV transmission?
Molinaro Ross, Sharma Prachi, Gaughan Christina, Qiu Xiaoxing, Das, Villinger Francois, Onlamoon Nattawat, John Hackett, Suppiah Suganthi, Rogers Kenneth, Klein Eric, Schochetman Gerald, Silverman
1 pages
A novel application of capnography during controlled human exposure to air pollution
Fila Michael, Faughnan, Silverman, Silverman Frances, Lukic, Urch Bruce
Peripheral blood gene expression profiles in COPD subjects
Bhattacharya Soumyaroop, Tyagi Shivraj, Srisuma Sorachai, Demeo, Bueno Raphael, Silverman, Reilly, Shapiro, Mariani
Epidemiology, radiology, and genetics of nicotine dependence in COPD
Hersh, Washko, Hokanson, Lynch, Newell, Crapo, Silverman, The, Kim, Murphy
Haploinsufficiency of the autism-associated Shank3gene leads to deficits in synaptic function, social interaction, and social communication
Bozdagi Ozlem, Sakurai Takeshi, Papapetrou Danae, Wang Xiaobin, Dickstein, Takahashi Nagahide, Kajiwara Yuji, Yang Mu, Scattoni Maria, Saxena Roheeni, Silverman, Crawley, Zhou Qiang, Buxbaum, Harris, Katz, Hof
Haploinsufficiency of the autism-associated Shank3gene leads to deficits in synaptic function, social interaction, and social communication
Bozdagi Ozlem, Sakurai Takeshi, Papapetrou Danae, Wang Xiaobin, Dickstein, Takahashi Nagahide, Kajiwara Yuji, Yang Mu, Scattoni Maria, Saxena Roheeni, Silverman, Crawley, Zhou Qiang, Buxbaum, Harris, Katz, Hof
15 pages
Xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme gene polymorphisms predict response to lung volume reduction surgery
Hersh, Demeo, Reilly, Silverman
Characterisation of COPD heterogeneity in the ECLIPSE cohort
Agusti Alvar, Calverley, Celli Bartolome, Coxson, Lomas, Macnee William, Rennard Steve, Silverman, Tal-Singer Ruth, Wouters Emiel, Yates, Vestbo Jørgen, The, Miller, Edwards
Characterization of antibodies elicited by XMRV infection and development of immunoassays useful for epidemiologic studies
Qiu Xiaoxing, Swanson Priscilla, Luk Ka-Cheung, Tu Bailin, Villinger Francois, Silverman, Devare Sushil, Schochetman Gerald, John Hackett, Das, Klein
Characterization of antibodies elicited by XMRV infection and development of immunoassays useful for epidemiologic studies
Qiu Xiaoxing, Swanson Priscilla, Luk Ka-Cheung, Tu Bailin, Villinger Francois, Silverman, Devare Sushil, Schochetman Gerald, John Hackett, Das, Klein
16 pages
Cluster analysis in severe emphysema subjects using phenotype and genotype data: an exploratory investigation
Washko, Criner, Reilly, Silverman, Laird Nan, Cho, Martinez, Hoffman, Hoffmann
Impact of self-rated osteoarthritis severity in an employed population: Cross-sectional analysis of data from the national health and wellness survey
Dibonaventura Marco, Gupta Shaloo, Mcdonald Margaret, Sadosky Alesia, Pettitt Dan, Silverman, Silverman Stuart
Impact of self-rated osteoarthritis severity in an employed population: Cross-sectional analysis of data from the national health and wellness survey
Dibonaventura Marco, Gupta Shaloo, Mcdonald Margaret, Sadosky Alesia, Pettitt Dan, Silverman, Silverman Stuart
12 pages
Polymorphisms in signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 and lung function in asthma
Litonjua, Tantisira, Lake Stephen, Lazarus Ross, Gabriel Stacey, Silverman, Weiss, Richter