Integrative analysis of DNA copy number and gene expression in metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma identifies genes associated with poor survival
Xu Chang, Fan Wenhong, Upton, Houck, Lohavanichbutr Pawadee, Doody, Futran, Zhao Lue, Chen Chu, Méndez Eduardo, Schwartz, Yan Liu, Rue, Wang Pei
Integrative analysis of DNA copy number and gene expression in metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma identifies genes associated with poor survival
Xu Chang, Fan Wenhong, Upton, Houck, Lohavanichbutr Pawadee, Doody, Futran, Zhao Lue, Chen Chu, Méndez Eduardo, Schwartz, Yan Liu, Rue, Wang Pei
12 pages
Expression of active human sialyltransferase ST6GalNAcI in Escherichia coli
Skretas Georgios, Carroll Sean, Defrees Shawn, Johnson, Georgiou, Georgiou George, Schwartz
Results of soy-based meal replacement formula on weight, anthropometry, serum lipids & blood pressure during a 40-week clinical weight loss trial
Schwartz, Yang Dongyan, Gadbury, Heshka Stanley, Murugesan Radha, Kraker, Heo Moonseong, Heymsfield, Allison, Fontaine
Results of soy-based meal replacement formula on weight, anthropometry, serum lipids & blood pressure during a 40-week clinical weight loss trial
Schwartz, Yang Dongyan, Gadbury, Heshka Stanley, Murugesan Radha, Kraker, Heo Moonseong, Heymsfield, Allison, Fontaine
7 pages
Randomized trial of exercise in sedentary middle aged women: effects on quality of life
Bowen, Fesinmeyer, Yasui Yutaka, Tworoger Shelley, Irwin, Rudolph, Mctiernan, Mctiernan Anne, Schwartz, Lacroix, Ulrich
Microarray data integration for genome-wide analysis of human tissue-selective gene expression
Wang Liangjiang, Srivastava, Schwartz
Effect of a proprietary Magnoliaand Phellodendronextract on stress levels in healthy women: a pilot, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Kalman, Feldman Samantha, Krieger, Garrison, Garrison Robert, Schwartz, Feldman Robert
Associations between outdoor temperature and markers of inflammation: a cohort study
Halonen, Zanobetti Antonella, Sparrow David, Vokonas, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Evolution combined with genomic study elucidates genetic bases of isobutanol tolerance in Escherichia coli
Minty, Lesnefsky, Lin Fengming, Chen Yu, Zaroff, Veloso, Xie Bin, Mcconnell, Rouillard Jean-Marie, Gao Yuan, Gulari Erdogan, Lin Xiaoxia, Ward, Schwartz
Evolution combined with genomic study elucidates genetic bases of isobutanol tolerance in Escherichia coli
Minty, Lesnefsky, Lin Fengming, Chen Yu, Zaroff, Veloso, Xie Bin, Mcconnell, Rouillard Jean-Marie, Gao Yuan, Gulari Erdogan, Lin Xiaoxia, Ward, Schwartz
38 pages
A novel small molecule inhibits STAT3 phosphorylation and DNA binding activity and exhibits potent growth suppressive activity in human cancer cells
Deangelis Stephanie, Foust Elizabeth, Fuchs James, Li Chenglong, Li Pui-Kai, Lesinski, Benson Don, Lü Jiagao, Hoyt Dale, Lin Jiayuh, Schwartz, Lin Li
A novel small molecule inhibits STAT3 phosphorylation and DNA binding activity and exhibits potent growth suppressive activity in human cancer cells
Deangelis Stephanie, Foust Elizabeth, Fuchs James, Li Chenglong, Li Pui-Kai, Lesinski, Benson Don, Lü Jiagao, Hoyt Dale, Lin Jiayuh, Schwartz, Lin Li
10 pages
Ambient pollutants, polymorphisms associated with microRNA processing and adhesion molecules: the Normative Aging Study
Wilker, Alexeeff, Suh Helen, Vokonas, Baccarelli Andrea, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Fine particulate air pollution and its components in association with cause-specific emergency admissions
Zanobetti Antonella, Franklin Meredith, Koutrakis Petros, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Effect modification of air pollution on Urinary 8-Hydroxy-2'-Deoxyguanosine by genotypes: an application of the multiple testing procedure to identify significant SNP interactions
Ren Cizao, Vokonas, Suh Helen, Fang Shona, Christiani, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Effect modification of air pollution on Urinary 8-Hydroxy-2'-Deoxyguanosine by genotypes: an application of the multiple testing procedure to identify significant SNP interactions
Ren Cizao, Vokonas, Suh Helen, Fang Shona, Christiani, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
9 pages
Influenza epidemics, seasonality, and the effects of cold weather on cardiac mortality
Zanobetti Antonella, Schwartz Joel, Von, Schwartz
Modifiers of short-term effects of ozone on mortality in eastern Massachusetts - A case-crossover analysis at individual level
Ren Cizao, Melly Steve, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Sex dependent regulation of osteoblast response to implant surface properties by systemic hormones
Olivares-Navarrete Rene, Hyzy, Chaudhri, Zhao Ge, Boyan, Schwartz Zvi, Schwartz
Elemental concentrations of ambient particles and cause specific mortality in Santiago, Chile: a time series study
Valdés Ana, Zanobetti Antonella, Halonen, Cifuentes Luis, Morata Diego, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Using new satellite based exposure methods to study the association between pregnancy pm2.5 exposure, premature birth and birth weight in Massachusetts
Kloog Itai, Melly, Ridgway, Coull, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Severe sepsis: variation in resource and therapeutic modality use among academic centers
Black Edgar, Sands, Hibberd, Graman, Lanken, Snydman, Parsonnet Jeffrey, Moore Richard, Platt Richard, Bates, Yu, Schwartz, For, Kahn
Is there adaptation in the ozone mortality relationship: A multi-city case-crossover analysis
Zanobetti Antonella, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Type 1 LTR DNA contains an intrinsic gene producing antisense RNA and protein products
Ambrus, Krawczyk, Sharma Sanjay, Brooks Stephen, Hsiao Chiu-Bin, Schwartz, Ludwig
Power to identify a genetic predictor of antihypertensive drug response using different methods to measure blood pressure response
Turner, Chapman, Beitelshees, Gums, Cooper-Dehoff, Boerwinkle Eric, Johnson, Bailey, Schwartz
Non-compliance is the predominant cause of aspirin resistance in chronic coronary arterial disease patients
Barber Kimberly, Reeves Mathew, De, Schwartz
Influence of genetic variations in TLR4and TIRAP/Malon the course of sepsis and pneumonia and cytokine release: an observational study in three cohorts
Kumpf Oliver, Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Hamann Lutz, Mouktaroudi Maria, Oh Djin-Ye, Latz Eicke, Lorenz Eva, Ferwerda Bart, Routsi Christina, Skalioti Chryssanthi, Kullberg Bart-Jan, Schlag, Netea, Zacharowski Kai, Schumann, Schwartz, Alexander Koch, Van
Influence of genetic variations in TLR4and TIRAP/Malon the course of sepsis and pneumonia and cytokine release: an observational study in three cohorts
Kumpf Oliver, Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Hamann Lutz, Mouktaroudi Maria, Oh Djin-Ye, Latz Eicke, Lorenz Eva, Ferwerda Bart, Routsi Christina, Skalioti Chryssanthi, Kullberg Bart-Jan, Schlag, Netea, Zacharowski Kai, Schumann, Schwartz, Alexander Koch, Van
11 pages