Malaria transmission after five years of vector control on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea
Overgaard, Abaga Simon, Matias Abrahan, Kulkarni Vani, Schwabe Christopher, Segura Luis, Kleinschmidt Immo, Slotman, Reddy
A pre-intervention study of malaria vector abundance in Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea: Their role in malaria transmission and the incidence of insecticide resistance alleles
Ridl, Bass Chris, Torrez Miguel, Govender Dayanandan, Ramdeen Varsha, Yellot Lee, Edu Amado, Schwabe Christopher, Mohloai Peter, Maharaj Rajendra, Kleinschmidt Immo
A pre-intervention study of malaria vector abundance in Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea: Their role in malaria transmission and the incidence of insecticide resistance alleles
Ridl, Bass Chris, Torrez Miguel, Govender Dayanandan, Ramdeen Varsha, Yellot Lee, Edu Amado, Schwabe Christopher, Mohloai Peter, Maharaj Rajendra, Kleinschmidt Immo
8 pages
Performance of a malaria microscopy image analysis slide reading device
Prescott, Grobusch, Chinchilli, Kleinschmidt Immo, Borovsky Joseph, Plaskow Mark, Torrez Miguel, Mico Maximo, Schwabe, Schwabe Christopher, Jordan
Increased risks of malaria due to limited residual life of insecticide and outdoor biting versus protection by combined use of nets and indoor residual spraying on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea
Bradley John, Matias Abrahan, Schwabe Christopher, Vargas Daniel, Monti Feliciano, Nseng Gloria, Kleinschmidt, Kleinschmidt Immo
Increased risks of malaria due to limited residual life of insecticide and outdoor biting versus protection by combined use of nets and indoor residual spraying on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea
Bradley John, Matias Abrahan, Schwabe Christopher, Vargas Daniel, Monti Feliciano, Nseng Gloria, Kleinschmidt, Kleinschmidt Immo
9 pages