Body image change and improved eating self-regulation in a weight management intervention in women
Carraça, Markland David, Minderico, Sardinha, Silva, Teixeira, Vieira
Predicting short-term weight loss using four leading health behavior change theories
Palmeira, Branco, Minderico, Barata, Serpa, Sardinha, Teixeira, Martins
Who will lose weight? A reexamination of predictors of weight loss in women
Palmeira, Branco, Minderico, Barata, Sardinha, Silva, Teixeira, Martins
Sexual dimorphism of adipose tissue distribution across the lifespan: a cross-sectional whole-body magnetic resonance imaging study
Jun Chen, Shen Wei, Punyanitya Mark, Gallagher Dympna, Sardinha, Allison, Heymsfield, Silva
Validity of air-displacement plethysmography in the assessment of body composition changes in a 16-month weight loss program
Minderico, Hull, Fields, Sardinha, Silva, Teixeira
Accuracy of DXA in estimating body composition changes in elite athletes using a four compartment model as the reference method
Matias, Heymsfield, Fields, Sardinha, Silva, Santos
Reciprocal effects among changes in weight, body image, and other psychological factors during behavioral obesity treatment: a mediation analysis
Palmeira, Markland, Branco, Minderico, Barata, Serpa, Sardinha, Silva, Teixeira, Vieira, Martins