Early non-invasive cardiac output monitoring in hemodynamically unstable intensive care patients: A multi-center randomized controlled trial
Takala Jukka, Ruokonen Esko, Tenhunen, Parviainen Ilkka, Jakob
Pituitary-adrenal function in patients with acute subarachnoid haemorrhage: a prospective cohort study
Bendel Stepani, Koivisto Timo, Ruokonen Esko, Rinne Jaakko, Romppanen Jarkko, Vauhkonen Ilkka, Kiviniemi Vesa, Uusaro, Uusaro Ari
Resolution and outcome of acute circulatory failure does not correlate with hemodynamics
Suistomaa Matti, Uusaro Ari, Parviainen Ilkka, Ruokonen, Ruokonen Esko
Predictive value of procalcitonin decrease in patients with severe sepsis: a prospective observational study
Karlsson Sari, Heikkinen Milja, Pettilä Ville, Alila Seija, Väisänen Sari, Pulkki Kari, Kolho Elina, Ruokonen Esko, The
Need for critical care in gynaecology: a population-based analysis
Heinonen Seppo, Tyrväinen Esko, Penttinen Jorma, Saarikoski Seppo, Ruokonen, Ruokonen Esko
Effect of mode of hydrocortisone administration on glycemic control in patients with septic shock: a prospective randomized trial
Loisa Pekka, Parviainen Ilkka, Tenhunen Jyrki, Hovilehto Seppo, Ruokonen, Ruokonen Esko
One-year mortality, quality of life and predicted life-time cost-utility in critically ill patients with acute respiratory failure
Linko Rita, Suojaranta-Ylinen Raili, Karlsson Sari, Ruokonen Esko, Varpula Tero, Pettilä Ville, The
The effect of interruption to propofol sedation on auditory event-related potentials and electroencephalogram in intensive care patients
Yppärilä Heidi, Nunes Silvia, Korhonen Ilkka, Partanen Juhani, Ruokonen, Ruokonen Esko
Association of arterial blood pressure and vasopressor load with septic shock mortality: a post hoc analysis of a multicenter trial
Dünser, Ruokonen Esko, Pettilä Ville, Ulmer Hanno, Torgersen Christian, Schmittinger, Jakob Stephan, Takala, Takala Jukka
Insulin like growth factor-I in acute subarachnoid hemorrhage: a prospective cohort study
Bendel Stepani, Koivisto Timo, Ryynänen Olli-Pekka, Ruokonen Esko, Romppanen Jarkko, Kiviniemi Vesa, Uusaro, Uusaro Ari