Human apoB contributes to increased serum total apo(a) level in LPAtransgenic mice
Teivainen, Eliassen, Rubin, Djurovic Srdjan, Berg Kåre, Berg
Detection of weakly conserved ancestral mammalian regulatory sequences by primate comparisons
Wang Qian-Fei, Prabhakar Shyam, Chanan Sumita, Cheng Jan-Fang, Rubin, Boffelli, Boffelli Dario
Systematic determination of patterns of gene expression during Drosophilaembryogenesis
Tomancak Pavel, Beaton Amy, Weiszmann Richard, Kwan Elaine, Shu Shengqiang, Richards Stephen, Ashburner Michael, Hartenstein Volker, Celniker, Rubin, Lewis
Assessing the impact of comparative genomic sequence data on the functional annotation of the Drosophilagenome
Bergman, Pfeiffer, Rincón-Limas, Hoskins, Gnirke Andreas, Mungall, Kronmiller Brent, Pacleb Joanne, Park Soo, Stapleton Mark, Wan Kenneth, Wang, George, Botas Juan, Rubin, Celniker, De
Assessing the impact of comparative genomic sequence data on the functional annotation of the Drosophilagenome
Bergman, Pfeiffer, Rincón-Limas, Hoskins, Gnirke Andreas, Mungall, Kronmiller Brent, Pacleb Joanne, Park Soo, Stapleton Mark, Wan Kenneth, Wang, George, Botas Juan, Rubin, Celniker, De
20 pages
Heterochromatic sequences in a Drosophila whole-genome shotgun assembly
Hoskins, Carlson, Halpern Aaron, Kaminker, Kennedy Cameron, Mungall, Yasuhara, Wakimoto, Myers, Celniker, Rubin, Karpen, Smith, Sullivan, Sutton, Carvalho
The transposable elements of the Drosophila melanogaster euchromatin: a genomics perspective
Kaminker, Bergman, Kronmiller Brent, Carlson Joseph, Svirskas Robert, Patel Sandeep, Frise Erwin, Rubin, Ashburner Michael, Celniker, Lewis, Wheeler
Annotation of the Drosophila melanogaster euchromatic genome: a systematic review
Misra Sima, Mungall, Crosby, Hradecky Pavel, Huang Yanmei, Kaminker, Millburn, Prochnik, Tupy, Whitfield, Bayraktaroglu Leyla, Bettencourt, Celniker, Drysdale, Richter John, Russo Susan, Shu Shengqiang, Stapleton Mark, Yamada Chihiro, Ashburner Michael, Gelbart, Rubin, De, Smith, Harris, Lewis, Matthews, Schroeder, Berman, Campbell
Annotation of the Drosophila melanogaster euchromatic genome: a systematic review
Misra Sima, Mungall, Crosby, Hradecky Pavel, Huang Yanmei, Kaminker, Millburn, Prochnik, Tupy, Whitfield, Bayraktaroglu Leyla, Bettencourt, Celniker, Drysdale, Richter John, Russo Susan, Shu Shengqiang, Stapleton Mark, Yamada Chihiro, Ashburner Michael, Gelbart, Rubin, De, Smith, Harris, Lewis, Matthews, Schroeder, Berman, Campbell
22 pages
A Drosophilafull-length cDNA resource
Stapleton Mark, Carlson Joe, Brokstein Peter, Yu Charles, Champe Mark, George Reed, Guarin Hannibal, Kronmiller Brent, Pacleb Joanne, Park Soo, Wan Ken, Rubin, Celniker
Finishing a whole-genome shotgun: Release 3 of the Drosophila melanogastereuchromatic genome sequence
Celniker, Kronmiller Brent, Carlson, Halpern Aaron, Patel Sandeep, Adams Mark, Champe Mark, Dugan, Frise Erwin, Hodgson Ann, Hoskins, Laverty Todd, Pacleb, Park Soo, Pfeiffer, Richards Stephen, Sodergren, Svirskas Robert, Tabor, Wan Kenneth, Stapleton Mark, Venter Craig, Weinstock George, Scherer, Myers, Gibbs, Rubin, Nelson, George, Wheeler, Sutton, Muzny
Finishing a whole-genome shotgun: Release 3 of the Drosophila melanogastereuchromatic genome sequence
Celniker, Kronmiller Brent, Carlson, Halpern Aaron, Patel Sandeep, Adams Mark, Champe Mark, Dugan, Frise Erwin, Hodgson Ann, Hoskins, Laverty Todd, Pacleb, Park Soo, Pfeiffer, Richards Stephen, Sodergren, Svirskas Robert, Tabor, Wan Kenneth, Stapleton Mark, Venter Craig, Weinstock George, Scherer, Myers, Gibbs, Rubin, Nelson, George, Wheeler, Sutton, Muzny
14 pages
Characterization of vascular strain during in-vitroangioplasty with high-resolution ultrasound speckle tracking
Patel Prashant, Biswas Rohan, Park Daewoo, Cichonski, Richards, Rubin, Phan Sem, Hamilton James, Weitzel
Global analysis of patterns of gene expression during Drosophilaembryogenesis
Tomancak Pavel, Beaton Amy, Weiszmann Richard, Kwan Elaine, Hartenstein Volker, Celniker, Rubin, Berman
Computational identification of developmental enhancers: conservation and function of transcription factor binding-site clusters in Drosophila melanogasterand Drosophila pseudoobscura
Pfeiffer, Laverty, Salzberg, Rubin, Eisen, Celniker, Berman
Right coronary wall cmr in the older asymptomatic advance cohort: positive remodeling and associations with type 2 diabetes and coronary calcium
Terashima Masahiro, Rubin, Shimakawa Ann, Nishimura, Ehara Shoichi, Iribarren Carlos, Hlatky, Fortmann, Mcconnell, Meyer, Nguyen, Go, Courtney
Right coronary wall cmr in the older asymptomatic advance cohort: positive remodeling and associations with type 2 diabetes and coronary calcium
Terashima Masahiro, Rubin, Shimakawa Ann, Nishimura, Ehara Shoichi, Iribarren Carlos, Hlatky, Fortmann, Mcconnell, Meyer, Nguyen, Go, Courtney
7 pages
Arterial elasticity imaging: comparison of finite-element analysis models with high-resolution ultrasound speckle tracking
Park Dae, Richards, Rubin, Hamilton James, Kruger, Weitzel
Primate-specific evolution of an LDLR enhancer
Wang Qian-Fei, Prabhakar Shyam, Wang Qianben, Moses, Chanan Sumita, Brown Myles, Eisen, Cheng Jan-Fang, Rubin, Boffelli, Boffelli Dario
A Functional Role for ADAM10 in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 Replication
Li Guangyu, Sheng Jinsong, Hodge, Rubin, O'Brien, Murray, Ferguson, Friedrich
Nutritional and metabolic status of children with autism vs. neurotypical children, and the association with autism severity
Audhya Tapan, Mcdonough-Means Sharon, Rubin, Quig David, Geis Elizabeth, Gehn Eva, Loresto Melissa, Mitchell Jessica, Atwood Sharon, Barnhouse Suzanne, Lee Wondra, Adam S
Nutritional and metabolic status of children with autism vs. neurotypical children, and the association with autism severity
Audhya Tapan, Mcdonough-Means Sharon, Rubin, Quig David, Geis Elizabeth, Gehn Eva, Loresto Melissa, Mitchell Jessica, Atwood Sharon, Barnhouse Suzanne, Lee Wondra, Adam S
32 pages
An observational study on cough in children: epidemiology, impact on quality of sleep and treatment outcome
De, Dicpinigaitis, Rubin, Lanata Luigi, Zanasi, Zanasi Alessando
Psychometric properties of an instrument for assessing the experience of patients treated with inhaled insulin: the Inhaled Insulin Treatment Questionnaire (IITQ)
Rubin, Peyrot, Peyrot Mark