Differential expression of copper-associated and oxidative stress related proteins in a new variant of copper toxicosis in Doberman pinschers
Van, Spee Bart, Mandigers, Arends Brigitte, Bode Peter, Hoffmann Gaby, Rothuizen Jan, Penning
The establishment and characterization of the first canine hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, which resembles human oncogenic expression patterns
Boomkens, Spee Bart, Ijzer Jooske, Kisjes Ronald, Egberink, Rothuizen Jan, Penning, Van
Regenerative and fibrotic pathways in canine hepatic portosystemic shunt and portal vein hypoplasia, new models for clinical hepatocyte growth factor treatment
Spee Bart, Penning, Arends Brigitte, Ijzer Jooske, Rothuizen, Rothuizen Jan, Van
Comparison of different methods to obtain and store liver biopsies for molecular and histological research
Hoffmann Gaby, Brinkhof Bas, Schotanus, Penning, Rothuizen, Rothuizen Jan, Ijzer Jooske, Van
Morphological characterisation of portal myofibroblasts and hepatic stellate cells in the normal dog liver
Ijzer Jooske, Roskams Tania, Molenbeek, Ultee Ton, Penning, Rothuizen Jan, Van
Major HGF-mediated regenerative pathways are similarly affected in human and canine cirrhosis
Spee Bart, Rothuizen Jan, Arends Brigitte, Roskams Tania, Penning, Van
Keratin 19 marks poor differentiation and a more aggressive behaviour in canine and human hepatocellular tumours
Katoonizadeh Azeam, Penning, Rothuizen Jan, Roskams Tania, Spee, Spee Bart, Desmet, Van
Specific down-regulation of XIAP with RNA interference enhances the sensitivity of canine tumor cell-lines to TRAIL and doxorubicin
Spee Bart, Jonkers, Arends Brigitte, Rutteman, Rothuizen Jan, Penning