Morphological characterisation of portal myofibroblasts and hepatic stellate cells in the normal dog liver
Ijzer Jooske, Roskams Tania, Molenbeek, Ultee Ton, Penning, Rothuizen Jan, Van
Major HGF-mediated regenerative pathways are similarly affected in human and canine cirrhosis
Spee Bart, Rothuizen Jan, Arends Brigitte, Roskams Tania, Penning, Van
Keratin 19 marks poor differentiation and a more aggressive behaviour in canine and human hepatocellular tumours
Katoonizadeh Azeam, Penning, Rothuizen Jan, Roskams Tania, Spee, Spee Bart, Desmet, Van
Immunohistochemistry using an antibody to unphosphorylated connexin 43 to identify human myometrial interstitial cells
Hutchings Graham, Gevaert Thomas, Deprest Jan, Roskams Tania, Van, Nilius Bernd, De