Development of a SYBR green I based RT-PCR assay for yellow fever virus: application in assessment of YFV infection in Aedes aegypti
Dash Paban, Boutonnier Alain, Prina Eric, Sharma Shashi, Reiter, Reiter Paul
Transcriptional programs activated by exposure of human prostate cancer cells to androgen
Deprimo, Diehn Maximilian, Reiter, Matese John, Fero Mike, Brooks, Brown, Nelson, Robert Tibshirani
Increased copy number for methylated maternal 15q duplications leads to changes in gene and protein expression in human cortical samples
Scoles, Urraca Nora, Chadwick, Reiter, Lasalle
Characterization of human adenovirus 35 and derivation of complex vectors
Mcvey Duncan, Zuber Mohammed, Ettyreddy Damodar, Reiter, Brough, Nabel, Gall, King
Avian cell line - Technology for large scale vaccine production
Kraus Barbara, Feigl Simone, Fleischanderl Daniel, Terler Katherine, Dersch-Pourmojib Mitra, Konetschny Christian, Grillberger Leopold, Reiter, Reiter Manfred, Von, Koch