Weekly self-monitoring and treatment adjustment benefit patients with partly controlled and uncontrolled asthma: an analysis of the SMASHING study
Roldaan, Assendelft, Sterk, Sont, Van, The, Bakker, Rabe
Factors influencing receptivity to future screening options for pancreatic cancer in those with and without pancreatic cancer family history
Breitkopf Carmen, Sinicrope, Brockman, Patten, Mcwilliams, Ehlers Shawna, Rabe, Petersen
Smoking status and anti-inflammatory macrophages in bronchoalveolar lavage and induced sputum in COPD
Kunz, Lapperre, Snoeck-Stroband, Budulac, Timens Wim, Schrumpf, Postma, Sterk, Hiemstra, Groningen, Rabe, Van
IL-4 and IL-13 exposure during mucociliary differentiation of bronchial epithelial cells increases antimicrobial activity and expression of antimicrobial peptides
Zuyderduyn Suzanne, Ninaber, Schrumpf, Verhoosel, Hiemstra, Prins, Rabe, Van
Effects of cigarette smoke condensate on proliferation and wound closure of bronchial epithelial cells in vitro: role of glutathione
Luppi Fabrizio, Aarbiou Jamil, Rahman Irfan, Hiemstra, De, Rabe, Van
Comparison of exhaled breath condensate pH using two commercially available devices in healthy controls, asthma and COPD patients
Koczulla Rembert, Dragonieri Silvano, Schot Robert, Bals Robert, Gauw, Vogelmeier Claus, Sterk, Hiemstra, Rabe
Markers of exacerbation severity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Celli, Cazzola Mario, Danhof Meindert, Pasqua, Pasqua Oscar, Franciosi, Walker, Page, Rabe
The effect of budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy on the risk of severe asthma exacerbations following episodes of high reliever use: an exploratory analysis of two randomised, controlled studies with comparisons to standard therapy
Buhl Roland, Kuna Piotr, Andersson, Naya, Peterson Stefan, Peters, Rabe
The effect of budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy on the risk of severe asthma exacerbations following episodes of high reliever use: an exploratory analysis of two randomised, controlled studies with comparisons to standard therapy
Buhl Roland, Kuna Piotr, Andersson, Naya, Peterson Stefan, Peters, Rabe
11 pages