Application of knowledge-driven spatial modelling approaches and uncertainty management to a study of Rift Valley fever in Africa
Pfeiffer, Martin Vincent, Martin, Clements
Altered host immunity, human T lymphotropic virus type I replication, and risk of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma: a prospective analysis from the ATL Cohort Consortium
Murphy, Mueller, Birmann, Okayama Akihiko, Kim Norma, Arisawa Kokichi, Breen, Carneiro-Proietti, Falk, Hanchard Barrie, Inoue Manami, Martínez-Maza Otoniel, Pfeiffer, Sawada Takashi, Stuver, Tsugane Shoichiro, Li Hongchuan, Suppan, Hisada Michie
Altered host immunity, human T lymphotropic virus type I replication, and risk of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma: a prospective analysis from the ATL Cohort Consortium
Murphy, Mueller, Birmann, Okayama Akihiko, Kim Norma, Arisawa Kokichi, Breen, Carneiro-Proietti, Falk, Hanchard Barrie, Inoue Manami, Martínez-Maza Otoniel, Pfeiffer, Sawada Takashi, Stuver, Tsugane Shoichiro, Li Hongchuan, Suppan, Hisada Michie
2 pages
The relationship between unsupervised time after school and physical activity in adolescent girls
Rushovich, Voorhees, Davis Ce, Neumark-Sztainer Dianne, Pfeiffer, Elder, Going Scott, Marino
Assessing the impact of comparative genomic sequence data on the functional annotation of the Drosophilagenome
Bergman, Pfeiffer, Rincón-Limas, Hoskins, Gnirke Andreas, Mungall, Kronmiller Brent, Pacleb Joanne, Park Soo, Stapleton Mark, Wan Kenneth, Wang, George, Botas Juan, Rubin, Celniker, De
Assessing the impact of comparative genomic sequence data on the functional annotation of the Drosophilagenome
Bergman, Pfeiffer, Rincón-Limas, Hoskins, Gnirke Andreas, Mungall, Kronmiller Brent, Pacleb Joanne, Park Soo, Stapleton Mark, Wan Kenneth, Wang, George, Botas Juan, Rubin, Celniker, De
20 pages
Finishing a whole-genome shotgun: Release 3 of the Drosophila melanogastereuchromatic genome sequence
Celniker, Kronmiller Brent, Carlson, Halpern Aaron, Patel Sandeep, Adams Mark, Champe Mark, Dugan, Frise Erwin, Hodgson Ann, Hoskins, Laverty Todd, Pacleb, Park Soo, Pfeiffer, Richards Stephen, Sodergren, Svirskas Robert, Tabor, Wan Kenneth, Stapleton Mark, Venter Craig, Weinstock George, Scherer, Myers, Gibbs, Rubin, Nelson, George, Wheeler, Sutton, Muzny
Finishing a whole-genome shotgun: Release 3 of the Drosophila melanogastereuchromatic genome sequence
Celniker, Kronmiller Brent, Carlson, Halpern Aaron, Patel Sandeep, Adams Mark, Champe Mark, Dugan, Frise Erwin, Hodgson Ann, Hoskins, Laverty Todd, Pacleb, Park Soo, Pfeiffer, Richards Stephen, Sodergren, Svirskas Robert, Tabor, Wan Kenneth, Stapleton Mark, Venter Craig, Weinstock George, Scherer, Myers, Gibbs, Rubin, Nelson, George, Wheeler, Sutton, Muzny
14 pages
A distinct metabolic signature predicts development of fasting plasma glucose
Hische Manuela, Larhlimi Abdelhalim, Schwarz Franziska, Fischer-Rosinský Antje, Bobbert Thomas, Assmann Anke, Catchpole, Pfeiffer, Willmitzer Lothar, Selbig Joachim, Spranger Joachim
A distinct metabolic signature predicts development of fasting plasma glucose
Hische Manuela, Larhlimi Abdelhalim, Schwarz Franziska, Fischer-Rosinský Antje, Bobbert Thomas, Assmann Anke, Catchpole, Pfeiffer, Willmitzer Lothar, Selbig Joachim, Spranger Joachim
10 pages
Computational identification of developmental enhancers: conservation and function of transcription factor binding-site clusters in Drosophila melanogasterand Drosophila pseudoobscura
Pfeiffer, Laverty, Salzberg, Rubin, Eisen, Celniker, Berman
Changes in dominant groups of the gut microbiota do not explain cereal-fiber induced improvement of whole-body insulin sensitivity
Arafat, Blaut Michael, Alpert Carl, Becker Natalie, Leupelt Verena, Rudovich Natalia, Möhlig Matthias, Pfeiffer, Weickert
Isoforms of Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) are increased in chronic diseases of the kidney but not of the liver
Nagl Britta, Henze Andrea, Raila Jens, Schlosser Beate, Berg Thomas, Tepel Martin, Zidek Walter, Weickert, Pfeiffer, Schweigert, Frey