Motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME): intervariation study of normal sperm and sperm with large nuclear vacuoles
Massaro, Baruffi, Mauri, Ricci Juliana, Silva, Oliveira, Petersen, Franco
Contrast-enhanced CMR in patients after percutaneous closure of the left atrial appendage: A pilot study
Mohrs, Wunderlich Nina, Pottmeyer Anselm, Kauczor, Kauczor Hans-Ulrich, Petersen
Acute and late toxicities of radiotherapy for patients with discoid lupus erythematosus: a retrospective case-control study
Patel, Hallemeier, Jensen, Osborn, Miller, Petersen
Plasma organochlorine concentrations and bone ultrasound measurements: a cross-sectional study in peri-and postmenopausal Inuit women from Greenland
Côté Suzanne, Ayotte Pierre, Dodin Sylvie, Blanchet Claudine, Mulvad Gert, Gingras Suzanne, Dewailly, Dewailly Éric, Petersen
Plasma organochlorine concentrations and bone ultrasound measurements: a cross-sectional study in peri-and postmenopausal Inuit women from Greenland
Côté Suzanne, Ayotte Pierre, Dodin Sylvie, Blanchet Claudine, Mulvad Gert, Gingras Suzanne, Dewailly, Dewailly Éric, Petersen
10 pages
Engineering of plants with improved properties as biofuels feedstocks by vessel-specific complementation of xylan biosynthesis mutants
Lau Jane, Ebert Berit, Yang Fan, Verhertbruggen Yves, Varanasi Patanjali, Suttangkakul Anongpat, Auer Manfred, Loqué Dominique, Scheller, Kim, Petersen
Engineering of plants with improved properties as biofuels feedstocks by vessel-specific complementation of xylan biosynthesis mutants
Lau Jane, Ebert Berit, Yang Fan, Verhertbruggen Yves, Varanasi Patanjali, Suttangkakul Anongpat, Auer Manfred, Loqué Dominique, Scheller, Kim, Petersen
19 pages
The influence of leukocytospermia on the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology
Cavagna Mario, Mauri, Massaro, Baruffi, Silva, Oliveira, Petersen, Franco
The use of array-CGH in a cohort of Greek children with developmental delay
Manolakos Emmanouil, Vetro Annalisa, Kefalas Konstantinos, Rapti Stamatia-Maria, Louizou Eirini, Garas Antonios, Kitsos George, Vasileiadis Lefteris, Tsoplou Panagiota, Eleftheriades Makarios, Peitsidis Panagiotis, Orru Sandro, Liehr Thomas, Thomaidis Loretta, Petersen
The use of array-CGH in a cohort of Greek children with developmental delay
Manolakos Emmanouil, Vetro Annalisa, Kefalas Konstantinos, Rapti Stamatia-Maria, Louizou Eirini, Garas Antonios, Kitsos George, Vasileiadis Lefteris, Tsoplou Panagiota, Eleftheriades Makarios, Peitsidis Panagiotis, Orru Sandro, Liehr Thomas, Thomaidis Loretta, Petersen
8 pages
Biological exposure assessment to tetrachloroethylene for workers in the dry cleaning industry
Mckernan, Ruder, Hein, Forrester, Ashley, Petersen, Sanderson, Butler
Factors influencing receptivity to future screening options for pancreatic cancer in those with and without pancreatic cancer family history
Breitkopf Carmen, Sinicrope, Brockman, Patten, Mcwilliams, Ehlers Shawna, Rabe, Petersen
A cross-sectional study of sub-clinical Plasmodium falciparum infection in HIV-1 infected and uninfected populations in Mozambique, South-Eastern Africa
Noormahomed, Orlov Marika, Do, Guthrie Carly, Badaro Roberto, Schooley, Petersen
Pregnancy outcomes in women with repeated implantation failures after intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI)
Cavagna Mario, Mauri, Massaro, Baruffi, Silva, Oliveira, Petersen, Franco
Cysteine protease activation and apoptosis in Murine norovirus infection
Furman, Maaty, Ettayebi Khalil, Hardy, Bothner, Bothner Brian, Petersen
Effect of a single dose of pregabalin on herpes zoster pain
Jensen-Dahm Christina, Rowbotham, Reda Haatem, Petersen Karin, Petersen
Evaluation of zona pellucida birefringence intensity during in vitro maturation of oocytes from stimulated cycles
Mauri, Massaro, Cavagna Mario, Baruffi, Silva, Petersen, Franco, Vagnini, Oliveira
The effects of male age on sperm analysis by motile sperm organelle morphology examination (MSOME)
Mauri, Massaro, Cavagna Mario, Baruffi, Silva, Oliveira, Petersen, Franco
A whey protein supplement decreases post-prandial glycemia
Bastian, Jenkins, Campbell Janice, Vuksan, Vuksan Vladimir, Ward, Petersen
Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferisensu lato and Anaplasma phagocytophilumin Danish horses
Christoffersen Mette, Thuesen, Bojesen, Hansen, Petersen
Effect of dairy fat on plasma phytanic acid in healthy volunteers - a randomized controlled study
Hellgren, Raff Marianne, Jensen, Drachmann Tue, Tholstrup, Tholstrup Tine, Petersen, Werner
GnRH agonist versus GnRH antagonist in assisted reproduction cycles: oocyte morphology
Cota, Mauri, Massaro, Nicoletti Andreia, Cavagna Mario, Baruffi, Silva, Oliveira, Petersen, Franco
137 Ventricular hypertrophy precedes ventricular cavity dilatation in response to increasing body mass index
Hudsmith, Robinson Monique, Neubauer, Neubauer Stefan, Ali, Petersen, Francis, Rider
Differential item functioning (DIF) analyses of health-related quality of life instruments using logistic regression
Michael Koller, Fayers, Aaronson, Bottomley Andrew, Groenvold Mogens, Gundy Chad, Sprangers, De, Scott, The, Petersen
A new ovarian response prediction index (ORPI): implications for individualised controlled ovarian stimulation
Baruffi, Mauri, Vagnini Laura, Ricci Juliana, Cavagna Mario, Oliveira, Petersen, Franco, Nascimento
Flaxseed dietary fibers lower cholesterol and increase fecal fat excretion, but magnitude of effect depend on food type
Kristensen Mette, Jensen, Aarestrup Julie, Søndergaard Lise, Mikkelsen, Astrup, Astrup Arne, Petersen
Determinants of left ventricular mass in obesity; a cardiovascular magnetic resonance study
Byrne James, Clarke Kieran, Neubauer Stefan, Francis, Ali, Petersen, Rider