A high-fat meal impairs muscle vasodilatation response to mental stress in humans with Glu27 β2-adrenoceptor polymorphism
Gowdak, Laterza, Rondon Maria, Trombetta, Krieger José, Negrão, Negrão Carlos, Pereira
Metabolic syndrome in overweight children from the city of Botucatu - São Paulo State - Brazil: agreement among six diagnostic criteria
Rinaldi Ana, Moreto Fernando, Burini, Gabriel, Pereira, Pimentel
The approximate entropy of the electromyographic signals of tremor correlates with the osmotic fragility of human erythrocytes
Mansur, Leite, Penha-Silva Nilson, Andrade, Pereira, Cury
7-Ketocholesterol modulates intercellular communication through gap-junction in bovine lens epithelial cells
Girão Henrique, Catarino Steve, Pereira Paulo, Pereira
Hypercholesterolemia promotes early renal dysfunction in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
Balarini, Vasquez, Meyrelles, Gava, Silva, Oliveira, Pereira
Water aerobics in pregnancy: cardiovascular response, labor and neonatal outcomes
Baciuk, Cecatti, Braga, Cavalcante, Pereira
Hyaluronidase recruits mesenchymal-like cells to the lung and ameliorates fibrosis
Bitencourt, Sampaio, Arantes, Aronoff, Faccioli, Pereira, Ramos
A negative screen for mutations in calstabin 1 and 2 genes in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy
Biagi, Mill, Mansur, Krieger, Pereira
TagSNP transferability and relative loss of variability prediction from HapMap to an admixed population
Lins, Abreu, Pereira
Metabolic responses to high glycemic index and low glycemic index meals: a controlled crossover clinical trial
Cocate, Pereira, Marins, Cecon, Bressan Josefina, Alfenas
Neuromuscular blocking agents in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a summary of the current evidence from three randomized controlled trials
Neto Ary, Espósito Daniel, Damasceno, Pereira, Schultz
Mononuclear cell therapy reverts cuff-induced thrombosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice
Lima, Porto, Campagnaro, Tonini, Nogueira, Vasquez, Meyrelles, Pereira
SYBR Green-based Real-Time PCR targeting kinetoplast DNA can be used to discriminate between the main etiologic agents of Brazilian cutaneous and visceral leishmaniases
Pita-Pereira Daniela, Lins Rachel, Lima, Brazil, Britto, Britto Constança, Oliveira, Pereira, Moreira
SYBR Green-based Real-Time PCR targeting kinetoplast DNA can be used to discriminate between the main etiologic agents of Brazilian cutaneous and visceral leishmaniases
Pita-Pereira Daniela, Lins Rachel, Lima, Brazil, Britto, Britto Constança, Oliveira, Pereira, Moreira
9 pages
Dietary restriction, caloric value and the accumulation of hepatic fat
Bertolini, Ceccato Marilia, Sponton, Moura, Figueredo, De, Pereira
Cardiac and vascular changes in elderly atherosclerotic mice: the influence of gender
Nogueira, Lima, Porto, Arruda, Vasquez, Meyrelles, Pereira
MYLIP p.N342S polymorphism is not associated with lipid profile in the Brazilian population
Mill, Krieger, Oliveira, Santos, Pereira, Lemos
APOEpolymorphism is associated with lipid profile, but not with arterial stiffness in the general population
Alvim, Mill, Krieger, Santos, Pereira, Ferreira, Cunha, Freitas
A zoological catalogue of hunted reptiles in the semiarid region of Brazil
Mendonça, Nóbrega, Silva, Montenegro Paulofernandoguedespereira, Pereira, Almeida
Reference values for lysosomal enzymes activities using dried blood spots samples - a Brazilian experience
D'Almeida Vânia, Pereira, Rodrigues, Martins, D'Almeida, Muller
Self-reported tobacco smoking practices among medical students and their perceptions towards training about tobacco smoking in medical curricula: A cross-sectional, questionnaire survey in Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh
Sreeramareddy, Suri Sushil, Menezes, Rahman Mahbubur, Shah Mohsin, Sathian Brijesh, Shetty Ullasa, Vaswani, Pereira, Islam, Kumar
Self-reported tobacco smoking practices among medical students and their perceptions towards training about tobacco smoking in medical curricula: A cross-sectional, questionnaire survey in Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh
Sreeramareddy, Suri Sushil, Menezes, Rahman Mahbubur, Shah Mohsin, Sathian Brijesh, Shetty Ullasa, Vaswani, Pereira, Islam, Kumar
9 pages
Modular hybrid total hip arthroplasty. Experimental study in dogs
Minto, Brandão Cláudia, Campagnol Daniela, Mamprim Maria, Padovani Carlos, Ranzani, Pereira
Oral P. gingivalisinfection alters the vascular reactivity in healthy and spontaneously atherosclerotic mice
Vasquez, Stefanon Ivanita, Meyrelles, Pereira
Effects of bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP4) and its inhibitor, Noggin, on in vitromaturation and culture of bovine preimplantation embryos
Camargo, Fernandez-Martin Rafael, Salamone, Pereira, La, Paz
Differential aspects of stroke and congestive heart failure in quality of life reduction: a case series with three comparison groups
Maso Iara, Fukuda, Seixas, Menezes, Cincura Carolina, Neville, Oliveira-Filho, Oliveira-Filho Jamary, Pereira, Pinto, Jesus
Differential aspects of stroke and congestive heart failure in quality of life reduction: a case series with three comparison groups
Maso Iara, Fukuda, Seixas, Menezes, Cincura Carolina, Neville, Oliveira-Filho, Oliveira-Filho Jamary, Pereira, Pinto, Jesus
5 pages
A dysflagellar mutant of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensisisolated from a cutaneous leishmaniasis patient
Zauli, Yokoyama-Yasunaka, Lemes, Dorta, Pitaluga, Ishikawa, Traub-Cseko, Bijovsky A, Ribeiro-Dias Fátima, Uliana, Miguel, Pereira, Rodrigues, Ad, De, Moura
A dysflagellar mutant of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensisisolated from a cutaneous leishmaniasis patient
Zauli, Yokoyama-Yasunaka, Lemes, Dorta, Pitaluga, Ishikawa, Traub-Cseko, Bijovsky A, Ribeiro-Dias Fátima, Uliana, Miguel, Pereira, Rodrigues, Ad, De, Moura
12 pages
Medicinal use of fauna by a traditional community in the Brazilian Amazonia
Vicente Luis, Vicente, Pereira, Varela, Barros