Femtosecond laser treatment enhances DNA transfection efficiency in vivo
Tsen, Wu Chao-Yi, Meneshian Avedis, Pai, Hung Chien-Fu, Wu T-C, Wu
DNA methylation patterns associate with genetic and gene expression variation in HapMap cell lines
Pai, Gaffney, Pique-Regi Roger, Degner, Gilad Yoav, Pritchard, Pickrell, Bell
Delivery of chemotherapeutic agents using drug-loaded irradiated tumor cells to treat murine ovarian tumors
Kim Daejin, Hoory Talia, Monie Archana, Wu Annie, Hsueh Wei-Ting, Pai, Hung, Hung Chien-Fu
Dissecting the regulatory architecture of gene expression QTLs
Gaffney, Veyrieras Jean-Baptiste, Degner, Pique-Regi Roger, Pai, Crawford, Stephens Matthew, Gilad Yoav, Pritchard
Identification of 11-amino acid peptides that disrupt Notch-mediated processes in Drosophila
Pi Haiwei, Huang Yi-Chun, Chen I-Chun, Lin Chung-De, Yeh Hsiao-Fong, Pai, Pai Li-Mei
Significant differences in alkaloid content of Coptis chinensis(Huanglian), from its related American species
Kamath Shreya, Skeels Matthew, Pai, Pai Aswini