Mechanical properties of femoral trabecular bone in dogs
Pressel Thomas, Bouguecha Anas, Vogt Ute, Meyer-Lindenberg Andrea, Nolte Ingo, Windhagen, Windhagen Henning, Behrens Bernd-Arno
Immunohistochemical investigation of Foxp3 expression in the intestine in healthy and diseased dogs
Junginger Johannes, Schwittlick Ulrike, Lemensieck Frederik, Nolte Ingo, Hewicker-Trautwein, Hewicker-Trautwein Marion
Comparison of nanoparticle-mediated transfection methods for DNA expression plasmids: efficiency and cytotoxicity
Willenbrock Saskia, Barchanski Annette, Maiolini Arianna, Soller, Barcikowski Stephan, Nolte Ingo, Feige Karsten, Murua, Durán, Muller
Co-transfection of plasmid DNA and laser-generated gold nanoparticles does not disturb the bioactivity of GFP-HMGB1 fusion protein
Petersen Svea, Soller, Bullerdiek Jörn, Nolte Ingo, Barcikowski Stephan, Escobar, Escobar Hugo, Siegfried Wagner, Andreas Richter
Co-transfection of plasmid DNA and laser-generated gold nanoparticles does not disturb the bioactivity of GFP-HMGB1 fusion protein
Petersen Svea, Soller, Bullerdiek Jörn, Nolte Ingo, Barcikowski Stephan, Escobar, Escobar Hugo, Siegfried Wagner, Andreas Richter
6 pages
Multi-body simulation of a canine hind limb: model development, experimental validation and calculation of ground reaction forces
Helms Gabriele, Stolorz Martin, Wefstaedt Patrick, Nolte Ingo, Nolte, Behrens Bernd-Arno
Numerical investigations on the strain-adaptive bone remodelling in the periprosthetic femur: Influence of the boundary conditions
Behrens Bernd-Arno, Nolte Ingo, Wefstaedt Patrick, Stukenborg-Colsman Christina, Bouguecha, Bouguecha Anas