A dosimetric comparison of four treatment planning methods for high grade glioma
Zach Leor, Stall Bronwyn, Ning Holly, Ondos John, Arora Barbara, Uma Shankavaram, Citrin Deborah, Camphausen, Camphausen Kevin, Miller
Comparison of T2 and FLAIR imaging for target delineation in high grade gliomas
Stall Bronwyn, Zach Leor, Ning Holly, Ondos John, Arora Barbara, Shankavaram Uma, Citrin Deborah, Camphausen, Camphausen Kevin, Miller
Simultaneous integrated boost of biopsy proven, MRI defined dominant intra-prostatic lesions to 95 Gray with IMRT: early results of a phase I NCI study
Singh, Guion Peter, Sears-Crouse Nancy, Ullman Karen, Smith Sharon, Fichtinger Gabor, Choyke, Xu Sheng, Kruecker Jochen, Krieger Axel, Ning Holly, Albert, Wood
Simultaneous integrated boost of biopsy proven, MRI defined dominant intra-prostatic lesions to 95 Gray with IMRT: early results of a phase I NCI study
Singh, Guion Peter, Sears-Crouse Nancy, Ullman Karen, Smith Sharon, Fichtinger Gabor, Choyke, Xu Sheng, Kruecker Jochen, Krieger Axel, Ning Holly, Albert, Wood
6 pages
Early observed transient prostate-specific antigen elevations on a pilot study of external beam radiation therapy and fractionated MRI guided High Dose Rate brachytherapy boost
Singh, Guion Peter, Susil, Citrin, Ning Holly, Ullman Karen, Smith Sharon, Crouse Nancy, Godette, Stall, Coleman, Camphausen Kevin, Miller, Menard Cynthia
Early observed transient prostate-specific antigen elevations on a pilot study of external beam radiation therapy and fractionated MRI guided High Dose Rate brachytherapy boost
Singh, Guion Peter, Susil, Citrin, Ning Holly, Ullman Karen, Smith Sharon, Crouse Nancy, Godette, Stall, Coleman, Camphausen Kevin, Miller, Menard Cynthia
5 pages
Intra- and inter-radiation therapist reproducibility of daily isocenter verification using prostatic fiducial markers
Norman, Ullman, Ning Holly, Susil, Ayele Asna, Jocelyn Lucresse, Havelos Jan, Guion Peter, Xie Huchen, Li Guang, Arora, Cannon Angela, Camphausen Kevin, Miller, Menard Cynthia
Intra- and inter-radiation therapist reproducibility of daily isocenter verification using prostatic fiducial markers
Norman, Ullman, Ning Holly, Susil, Ayele Asna, Jocelyn Lucresse, Havelos Jan, Guion Peter, Xie Huchen, Li Guang, Arora, Cannon Angela, Camphausen Kevin, Miller, Menard Cynthia
6 pages