Antioxidant and potential anti-inflammatory activity of extracts and formulations of white tea, rose, and witch hazel on primary human dermal fibroblast cells
Thring, Hili Pauline, Naughton
Differentiating midazolam over-sedation from neurological damage in the intensive care unit
Mckenzie, Mckinnon William, Naughton, Treacher David, Davies Graham, Hilton, Phillips
Limited agreement exists between rationale and practice in athletes' supplement use for maintenance of health: a retrospective study
Petróczi Andrea, Naughton, Mazanov Jason, Holloway Allison, Bingham Jerry, Bingham
Inside athletes' minds: Preliminary results from a pilot study on mental representation of doping and potential implications for anti-doping
Petróczi Andrea, Mazanov Jason, Naughton
Comfort in big numbers: Does over-estimation of doping prevalence in others indicate self-involvement?
Petróczi Andrea, Mazanov Jason, Nepusz Tamás, Backhouse, Naughton
Misleading measures in Vitamin D analysis: A novel LC-MS/MS assay to account for epimers and isobars
Shah Iltaf, James Ricky, Barker James, Naughton, Petróczi Andrea