Folk classification of the crabs and swimming crabs (Crustacea – Brachyura) of the Mamanguape river estuary, Northeastern – Brazil
Ferreira, Ad, Nascimento, Rocha
Effects of babassu nut oil on ischemia/reperfusion-induced leukocyte adhesion and macromolecular leakage in the microcirculation: Observation in the hamster cheek pouch
Bouskela Eliete, Cyrino, Santos, Costa, Nascimento, Azevedo, Barbosa, De, Guerra
Levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) among children with steady-state sickle cell disease
Seixas, Menezes, Lyra, Couto, Atta, Goncalves, Nascimento, Rocha, Reis, Carvalho
Semi-automatic algorithm for construction of the left ventricular area variation curve over a complete cardiac cycle
Macchiavello Bruno, Andrade, Vasconcelos, Ad, Berger, Melo, Nascimento, Carvalho
Proteomic profiling of the rat hypothalamus
Pedroso, Watanabe, Albuquerque, Telles, Andrade, Sakata, Lima, Estadella Debora, Oyama, Casarini, Rosa, Ribeiro, Nascimento, Perez
Soybean and fish oil mixture increases IL-10, protects against DNA damage and decreases colonic inflammation in rats with dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis
Silveira, Abreu, Gambero Alessandra, Xavier, Martinez, Barros, Nascimento, Carvalho, Ribeiro
Rest energy expenditure is decreased during the acute as compared to the recovery phase of sepsis in newborns
Feferbaum Rubens, Leone Cláudio, Siqueira, Lopes, Gallo, Wajnsztejn Rubens, Nascimento, Valenti, Reis, De
A new ovarian response prediction index (ORPI): implications for individualised controlled ovarian stimulation
Baruffi, Mauri, Vagnini Laura, Ricci Juliana, Cavagna Mario, Oliveira, Petersen, Franco, Nascimento
Diet-induced obesity in rats leads to a decrease in sperm motility
Bellentani, Perobelli, Favareto, Cicogna, Kempinas, Fernandes, Nascimento, Fernandez
Immunomodulatory effects of recombinant BCG expressing pertussis toxin on TNF-alpha and IL-10 in a bladder cancer model
Chade, Borra, Villanova, Leite, Andrade Enrico, Srougi Miguel, Andrade, Nascimento, Ramos