Transcriptional profiling of the model Archaeon Halobacteriumsp. NRC-1: responses to changes in salinity and temperature
Coker, Dassarma Priya, Kumar Jeffrey, Dassarma, Dassarma Shiladitya, Muller
Noninvasive monitoring of myocardial function after surgical and cytostatic therapy in a peritoneal metastasis rat model: assessment with tissue Doppler and non-Doppler 2D strain echocardiography
Knebel Fabian, Beling Mark, Panda Alexander, Baumann Gert, Hartmann Jens, Eddicks Stephan, Grohmann Andrea, Jacobi, Wernecke Klaus-Dieter, Muller, Borges
Noninvasive monitoring of myocardial function after surgical and cytostatic therapy in a peritoneal metastasis rat model: assessment with tissue Doppler and non-Doppler 2D strain echocardiography
Knebel Fabian, Beling Mark, Panda Alexander, Baumann Gert, Hartmann Jens, Eddicks Stephan, Grohmann Andrea, Jacobi, Wernecke Klaus-Dieter, Muller, Borges
11 pages
Malaria in rural Burkina Faso: local illness concepts, patterns of traditional treatment and influence on health-seeking behaviour
Sanou Aboubakary, De, Beiersmann Claudia, Wladarsch Evelyn, Kouyaté Bocar, Müller Olaf, Muller
Pro-adrenomedullin to predict severity and outcome in community-acquired pneumonia [ISRCTN04176397]
Christ-Crain Mirjam, Morgenthaler, Stolz Daiana, Bingisser Roland, Harbarth Stephan, Tamm Michael, Struck Joachim, Bergmann Andreas, Müller Beat, Christian Muller, Muller
Pro-adrenomedullin to predict severity and outcome in community-acquired pneumonia [ISRCTN04176397]
Christ-Crain Mirjam, Morgenthaler, Stolz Daiana, Bingisser Roland, Harbarth Stephan, Tamm Michael, Struck Joachim, Bergmann Andreas, Müller Beat, Christian Muller, Muller
8 pages
Epidemiology of chicken anemia virus in Central African Republic and Cameroon
Snoeck, Komoyo, Mbee, Nakouné Emmanuel, Okwen, Le, Muller
Neuromelanin, neurotransmitter status and brainstem location determine the differential vulnerability of catecholaminergic neurons to mitochondrial DNA deletions
Elstner Matthias, Leidolt Lars, Laub Christoph, Krieg Lena, Schlaudraff Falk, Liss Birgit, Morris Chris, Turnbull, Masliah Eliezer, Prokisch Holger, Klopstock Thomas, Bender Andreas, Muller
Neuromelanin, neurotransmitter status and brainstem location determine the differential vulnerability of catecholaminergic neurons to mitochondrial DNA deletions
Elstner Matthias, Leidolt Lars, Laub Christoph, Krieg Lena, Schlaudraff Falk, Liss Birgit, Morris Chris, Turnbull, Masliah Eliezer, Prokisch Holger, Klopstock Thomas, Bender Andreas, Muller
10 pages
Carbohydrate restricted diet in conjunction with metformin and liraglutide is an effective treatment in patients with deteriorated type 2 diabetes mellitus: Proof-of-concept study
Sträter-Müller Dagmar, Marks Hans-Joachim, Gläsner Michael, Kneppe Philipp, Clemens-Harmening Beate, Menker, Menker Harald, Muller
Carbohydrate restricted diet in conjunction with metformin and liraglutide is an effective treatment in patients with deteriorated type 2 diabetes mellitus: Proof-of-concept study
Sträter-Müller Dagmar, Marks Hans-Joachim, Gläsner Michael, Kneppe Philipp, Clemens-Harmening Beate, Menker, Menker Harald, Muller
9 pages
UV irradiation induces homologous recombination genes in the model archaeon, Halobacteriumsp. NRC-1
Mccready Shirley, Boubriak Ivan, Berquist, Ng Wooi, Dassarma, Dassarma Shiladitya, Muller
Medical-grade honey does not reduce skin colonization at central venous catheter-insertion sites of critically ill patients: a randomized controlled trial
Kwakman, Binnekade, Zaat, De, Schultz, Muller, Van
Plasmodium falciparumglutamate dehydrogenase a is dispensable and not a drug target during erythrocytic development
Storm Janet, Perner Jan, Aparicio Isabela, Patzewitz Eva-Maria, Olszewski Kellen, Llinas Manuel, Müller Sylke, Engel, Muller
Compliance of young children with ITN protection in rural Burkina Faso
Traoré Corneille, De, Kouyaté Bocar, Frey Claudia, Muller, Müller Olaf
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) in sepsis with acute renal dysfunction (ARD)
Patschan, Patschan Daniel, Temme Johanna, Korsten Peter, Wessels, Koziolek Michael, Henze Elvira, Muller
Atypically diffuse functional connectivity between caudate nuclei and cerebral cortex in autism
Frost Leonard, Linsenbardt David, Mcilroy, Müller Ralph-Axel, Turner, Muller
Functional diversification of sonic hedgehogparalog enhancers identified by phylogenomic reconstruction
Hadzhiev Yavor, Ertzer Raymond, Meyer Axel, Strähle Uwe, Müller Ferenc, Lang Michael, Muller
Cardiac rehabilitation in Austria: long term health-related quality of life outcomes
Kullich Werner, Graninger Ursula, Wonisch Manfred, Gaßner Alfred, Klicpera Martin, Laimer Herbert, Marko Christiane, Schwann Helmut, Müller Rudolf, Hofer Stefan, Muller
Prevalence of reverse transcriptase and protease mutations associated with antiretroviral drug resistance among drug-naïve HIV-1 infected pregnant women in Kagera and Kilimanjaro regions, Tanzania
Nyombi, Holm-Hansen Carol, Kristiansen, Bjune Gunnar, Müller Fredrik, Muller
Prevalence of reverse transcriptase and protease mutations associated with antiretroviral drug resistance among drug-naïve HIV-1 infected pregnant women in Kagera and Kilimanjaro regions, Tanzania
Nyombi, Holm-Hansen Carol, Kristiansen, Bjune Gunnar, Müller Fredrik, Muller
9 pages