Noninvasive method to estimate anaerobic threshold in individuals with type 2 diabetes
Sales, Campbell Carmen, Morais, Ernesto Carlos, Soares-Caldeira, Russo Paulo, Simões, Moreira, Nakamura, Motta
Endometrial claudin-4 and leukemia inhibitory factor are associated with assisted reproduction outcome
Serafini, Motta, Silva, Rocha, Baracat, Smith
Lack of effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics in DARPP-32 and NCS-1 levels in PC12 cells overexpressing NCS-1
Souza, Scotti-Muzzi Estêvão, Guimarães, Carneiro, Jeromin Andreas, Romano-Silva, Rosa, Torres, Miranda, Reis, Motta
GITR signaling potentiates airway hyperresponsiveness by enhancing Th2 cell activity in a mouse model of asthma
Vissers, Gras Renée, Van, Nawijn, Motta
A novel paradigm for cell and molecule interaction ontology: from the CMM model to IMGT-ONTOLOGY
Pappalardo Francesco, Lefranc Marie-Paule, Lollini Pier-Luigi, Motta Santo, Motta
Respuesta superovulatoria en número y calidad embrionaria de vacas y novillas Gyr lechero en clima cálido húmedo (Superovulatory response in embryo quality and number from cows and heifers dairy gyr cattle in humid warm climat)