Phylogenetic and similarity analysis of HTLV-1 isolates from HIV-coinfected patients from the South and Southeast regions of Brazil
Magri, Morimoto, Rodrigues Rosangela, Caterino-De-Araujo, Caterino-De-Araujo Adele, Ferreira, Brigido
Comparison of dot chromosome sequences from D. melanogasterand D. virilisreveals an enrichment of DNA transposon sequences in heterochromatic domains
Slawson, Shaffer, Malone, Leung Wilson, Kellmann Elmer, Shevchek, Bloom, Bogenpohl James, Dee James, Morimoto, Myoung Jenny, Nett, Ozsolak Fatih, Tittiger, Zeug Andrea, Pardue Mary-Lou, Buhler Jeremy, Mardis, Elgin, Craig
Comparison of dot chromosome sequences from D. melanogasterand D. virilisreveals an enrichment of DNA transposon sequences in heterochromatic domains
Slawson, Shaffer, Malone, Leung Wilson, Kellmann Elmer, Shevchek, Bloom, Bogenpohl James, Dee James, Morimoto, Myoung Jenny, Nett, Ozsolak Fatih, Tittiger, Zeug Andrea, Pardue Mary-Lou, Buhler Jeremy, Mardis, Elgin, Craig
18 pages