Energy-efficient resource allocation for OFDMA-based two-way relay channel with physical-layer network coding
Tao, Min Zhou, Cui Qimei, Valkama Mikko, Tao Xiaofeng
The expression and significance of IDH1 and p53 in osteosarcoma
Xu, Hu Xiang, Yu Ai-Xi, Qi Bai-Wen, Fu Tao, Wu Gang, Luo Jun, Xu Jun-Hua, Min Zhou
Cross-cultural adaptation of the CHO-KLAT for boys with hemophilia in rural and urban china
Wu Runhui, Zhang Jishui, Luke Koon, Wu Xinyi, Burke Tricia, Tang Ling, Poon Man-Chiu, Li Xiaojing, Sun Jing, Hang Marrisa, Blanchette Victor, Young, Min Zhou
En route vers les sommets : perspectives sur la question des minorités ethniques - article ; n°1 ; vol.8, pg 171-192
Alejandro Portes, Min Zhou, Catherine Hodeir, Emmanuel Emmanuelmamung, Sophie Body-Gendrot