Early observed transient prostate-specific antigen elevations on a pilot study of external beam radiation therapy and fractionated MRI guided High Dose Rate brachytherapy boost
Singh, Guion Peter, Susil, Citrin, Ning Holly, Ullman Karen, Smith Sharon, Crouse Nancy, Godette, Stall, Coleman, Camphausen Kevin, Miller, Menard Cynthia
Early observed transient prostate-specific antigen elevations on a pilot study of external beam radiation therapy and fractionated MRI guided High Dose Rate brachytherapy boost
Singh, Guion Peter, Susil, Citrin, Ning Holly, Ullman Karen, Smith Sharon, Crouse Nancy, Godette, Stall, Coleman, Camphausen Kevin, Miller, Menard Cynthia
5 pages
Relative effectiveness and adverse effects of cervical manipulation, mobilisation and the activator instrument in patients with sub-acute non-specific neck pain: results from a stopped randomised trial
Gemmell Hugh, Miller Peter, Miller
Effects of deep sedation or general anesthesia on cardiac function in mice undergoing cardiovascular magnetic resonance
Berry, Thedens, Light-Mcgroary Kellyann, Kutschke William, Miller, Weiss, Zimmerman
Reduction of astrogliosis and microgliosis by cerebrospinal fluid shunting in experimental hydrocephalus
Miller, Mcallister
Solution structure of the Drosha double-stranded RNA-binding domain
Ghosh Mahua, London, Hall Traci, Miller, Mueller, Derose, Hall
Multilineage hematopoietic recovery with concomitant antitumor effects using low dose Interleukin-12 in myelosuppressed tumor-bearing mice
Gallaher, Shibata Darryl, Douer, Douer Dan, Miller, Basile
The role of dietary fatty acids in predicting myocardial structure in fat-fed rats
Jeckel, Chicco, Chapman, Mulligan, Falcone, Pagliassotti, Frye, Miller
Prenatal allergen and diesel exhaust exposure and their effects on allergy in adult offspring mice
Zhu Huaijie, Quan Chunli, Grunig Gabriele, Ballaney Manisha, Jin Ximei, Perera, Factor, Chen Lung-Chi, Miller, Lin Lin
Altered regulation of metabolic pathways in human lung cancer discerned by 13C stable isotope-resolved metabolomics (SIRM)
Lane, Higashi, Farag, Gao Hong, Bousamra Michael, Miller, Fan
Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors
Bhangoo Sonia, Ren Dongjun, Lineswala Jayana, Hamdouchi Chafiq, Li Baolin, Ripsch, Miller, White, Chan, Henry, Monahan
Delayed functional expression of neuronal chemokine receptors following focal nerve demyelination in the rat: a mechanism for the development of chronic sensitization of peripheral nociceptors
Bhangoo Sonia, Ren Dongjun, Lineswala Jayana, Hamdouchi Chafiq, Li Baolin, Ripsch, Miller, White, Chan, Henry, Monahan
20 pages
The dimerization domain of HIV-1 viral infectivity factor Vif is required to block virion incorporation of APOBEC3G
Presnyak Vlad, Smith, Miller
Comparative analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeWW domains and their interacting proteins
Hesselberth, Golob Anna, Stajich, Fields, Fields Stanley, Michaud, Miller
Genes regulated by estrogen in breast tumor cells in vitroare similarly regulated in vivoin tumor xenografts and human breast tumors
Creighton, Larios, Johnson, Chinnaiyan, Lippman, Miller, Cordero, Rae
Intra- and inter-radiation therapist reproducibility of daily isocenter verification using prostatic fiducial markers
Norman, Ullman, Ning Holly, Susil, Ayele Asna, Jocelyn Lucresse, Havelos Jan, Guion Peter, Xie Huchen, Li Guang, Arora, Cannon Angela, Camphausen Kevin, Miller, Menard Cynthia
Intra- and inter-radiation therapist reproducibility of daily isocenter verification using prostatic fiducial markers
Norman, Ullman, Ning Holly, Susil, Ayele Asna, Jocelyn Lucresse, Havelos Jan, Guion Peter, Xie Huchen, Li Guang, Arora, Cannon Angela, Camphausen Kevin, Miller, Menard Cynthia
6 pages
Elevated rates of HIV infection among young Aboriginal injection drug users in a Canadian setting
Strathdee, Spittal, Kerr Thomas, Li Kathy, Schechter, Wood Evan, Miller, Wood
Phosphatidylserine treatment relieves the block to retrovirus infection of cells expressing glycosylated virus receptors
Coil, Miller
Intensity-modulated radiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal: Efficacy of a low daily dose to clinically negative regions
Call, Haddock, Quevedo J, Larson, Miller
Whole cell biosynthesis of a functional oligosaccharide, 2′-fucosyllactose, using engineered Escherichia coli
Lee Won-Heong, Pathanibul Panchalee, Quarterman Josh, Jo Jung-Hyun, Han Nam, Jin Yong-Su, Seo, Seo Jin-Ho, Miller
Differential regulation of follicle stimulating hormone by activin A and TGFB1 in murine gonadotropes
Gore, Miller, Bernard, Philips
Amyloid-beta transporter expression at the blood-CSF barrier is age-dependent
Chiu Catherine, Boylan Matthew, Caralopoulos, Gonzalez Liliana, Johanson, Silverberg, Miller, Pascale
Generation and characterization of a recombinant Newcastle disease virus expressing the red fluorescent protein for use in co-infection studies
Diel, Li Jinnan, Hu Haixia, Yu Qingzhong, Li De-Shan, Miller
A case-control study of GSTpolymorphisms and arsenic related skin lesions
Mccarty, Ryan Louise, Houseman, Quamruzzaman Quazi, Rahman Mahmuder, Mahiuddin Golam, Gonzalez Ernesto, Su Li, Christiani, Miller, Williams, Thomas Smith
Immune-mediated changes in actinic keratosis following topical treatment with imiquimod 5% cream
Torres Abel, Storey Leslie, Anders Makala, Bulbulian, Jin Jizhong, Raghavan Shalini, Lee James, Slade, Birmachu, Birmachu Woubalem, Miller
Evaluation of methods for detecting conversion events in gene clusters
Webb Miller, Song Giltae, Hsu Chih-Hao, Riemer Cathy, Miller
Hematopoietic cell activation in the subventricular zone after Theiler's virus infection
Goings, Greisman Adriana, Abram, Begolka Wendy, Szele, Miller, James
Cord blood versus age 5 mononuclear cell proliferation on IgE and asthma
Chang Carolyn, Gauvey-Kern Kevin, Johnson Alina, Kelvin, Chew, Perera Frederica, Miller
Genome-wide linkage analyses of two repetitive behavior phenotypes in Utah pedigrees with autism spectrum disorders
Cannon, Robison, Villalobos, Wahmhoff, Allen-Brady Kristina, Mcmahon, Coon, Coon Hilary, Miller