Nitrogen dioxide concentrations in neighborhoods adjacent to a commercial airport: a land use regression modeling study
Adamkiewicz Gary, Hsu Hsiao-Hsien, Vallarino Jose, Melly, Spengler, Levy
Using new satellite based exposure methods to study the association between pregnancy pm2.5 exposure, premature birth and birth weight in Massachusetts
Kloog Itai, Melly, Ridgway, Coull, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
The effects of socioeconomic status and indices of physical environment on reduced birth weight and preterm births in Eastern Massachusetts
Zeka Ariana, Melly, Schwartz Joel, Schwartz
Racial differences in the built environment—body mass index relationship? A geospatial analysis of adolescents in urban neighborhoods
Gortmaker, Aldstadt Jared, Melly, Bennett, Duncan, Castro