Environmental correlates of physical activity in multiple sclerosis: A cross-sectional study
Doerksen, Motl, Mcauley, Mcauley Edward
Do changes in pulse oximeter oxygen saturation predict equivalent changes in arterial oxygen saturation?
Mcauley, Giles Simon, Routledge Helen, Gao Fang, Gao, Perkins
Risk factors for acute organ failure in intensive care unit patients who receive respiratory support in the absence of non-respiratory organ failure: an international prospective cohort study
Terblanche Marius, Kruger Peter, Gangi Stefania, Gearay Sadiq, Gilfeather Lynn, Pearse Rupert, Beale Richard, Rhodes Andrew, Brett, Mcauley, Ferguson
Risk factors for acute organ failure in intensive care unit patients who receive respiratory support in the absence of non-respiratory organ failure: an international prospective cohort study
Terblanche Marius, Kruger Peter, Gangi Stefania, Gearay Sadiq, Gilfeather Lynn, Pearse Rupert, Beale Richard, Rhodes Andrew, Brett, Mcauley, Ferguson
10 pages
Decreased respiratory system compliance on the sixth day of mechanical ventilation is a predictor of death in patients with established acute lung injury
Seeley, Mcauley, Eisner Mark, Miletin Michael, Matthay, Kallet, Zhuo Hanjing
Helium-oxygen reduces the production of carbon dioxide during weaning from mechanical ventilation
Flynn Gordon, Mandersloot Gerlinde, Healy Marie, Saville Mark, Mcauley
Efficacy-mediated effects of spirituality and physical activity on quality of life: A path analysis
Konopack, Mcauley, Mcauley Edward
Severe brain injury ICU outcomes are associated with Cranial-Arterial Pressure Index and noninvasive Bispectral Index and transcranial oxygen saturation: a prospective, preliminary study
Dunham, Ransom, Mcauley, Mangalat Dev, Flowers, Gruber
Awareness of the need for safe storage of Methadone at home is not improved by the use of protocols on recording information giving
Mullin Annemarie, Mcauley, Watts, Crome, Bloor
Discrepancies between clinical and postmortem diagnoses in critically ill patients: an observational study
Mcauley, Davies Sarah, Gao Fang, Gao, Perkins
Decisional responsibility for mechanical ventilation and weaning: an international survey
Rose Louise, Blackwood Bronagh, Egerod Ingrid, Haugdahl Hege, Hofhuis José, Isfort Michael, Kydonaki Kalliopi, Schubert Maria, Sperlinga Riccardo, Spronk Peter, Storli Sissel, Mcauley, Schultz
Decisional responsibility for mechanical ventilation and weaning: an international survey
Rose Louise, Blackwood Bronagh, Egerod Ingrid, Haugdahl Hege, Hofhuis José, Isfort Michael, Kydonaki Kalliopi, Schubert Maria, Sperlinga Riccardo, Spronk Peter, Storli Sissel, Mcauley, Schultz
8 pages