Correlating metabolic and anatomic responses of primary lung cancers to radiotherapy by combined F-18 FDG PET-CT imaging
Wong, Schmidt Joseph, Bong, Chundru Suyra, Kestin Larry, Yan Di, Grills Inga, Gaskill Marianne, Cheng Vincent, Fink-Bennett Darlene, Martinez
Correlating metabolic and anatomic responses of primary lung cancers to radiotherapy by combined F-18 FDG PET-CT imaging
Wong, Schmidt Joseph, Bong, Chundru Suyra, Kestin Larry, Yan Di, Grills Inga, Gaskill Marianne, Cheng Vincent, Fink-Bennett Darlene, Martinez
6 pages
Metabolic regulation analysis of an ethanologenic Escherichia colistrain based on RT-PCR and enzymatic activities
Orencio-Trejo Montserrat, Flores Noemí, Escalante Adelfo, Hernández-Chávez Georgina, Gosset Guillermo, Martinez Alfredo, Martinez, Bolivar Francisco
Metabolic regulation analysis of an ethanologenic Escherichia colistrain based on RT-PCR and enzymatic activities
Orencio-Trejo Montserrat, Flores Noemí, Escalante Adelfo, Hernández-Chávez Georgina, Gosset Guillermo, Martinez Alfredo, Martinez, Bolivar Francisco
13 pages
The potential for bi-lateral agreements in medical tourism: A qualitative study of stakeholder perspectives from the UK and India
Chanda Rupa, Smith, Martinez
Relationship of oxidized low density lipoprotein with lipid profile and oxidative stress markers in healthy young adults: a translational study
Volp, Hermsdorff, Navarro-Blasco Iñigo, Zulet, Bressan, Bressan Josefina, Barbosa, Martinez
Reducing harm from HIV/AIDS misconceptions among female sex workers in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico: A cross sectional analysis
Nguyen Lucie, Lozada Remedios, Strathdee, Patterson, Robertson, Ojeda, Martinez
Task shifting in Mozambique: cross-sectional evaluation of non-physician clinicians' performance in HIV/AIDS care
Brentlinger, Assan Américo, Mudender Florindo, Ghee, Vallejo, Bacon Oliver, Bastos Rui, Manuel Rolanda, Mckinney Catherine, Nelson, Martinez, Ramirez
Task shifting in Mozambique: cross-sectional evaluation of non-physician clinicians' performance in HIV/AIDS care
Brentlinger, Assan Américo, Mudender Florindo, Ghee, Vallejo, Bacon Oliver, Bastos Rui, Manuel Rolanda, Mckinney Catherine, Nelson, Martinez, Ramirez
9 pages
Clinical, virological and biochemical evidence supporting the association of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase polymorphism R284K and thymidine analogue resistance mutations M41L, L210W and T215Y in patients failing tenofovir/emtricitabine therapy
Betancor Gilberto, Garriga César, Puertas, Nevot María, Anta Lourdes, Pérez-Elías M, Martinez-Picado Javier, Menéndez-Arias Luis, Blanco, Martinez, De, For
Clinical, virological and biochemical evidence supporting the association of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase polymorphism R284K and thymidine analogue resistance mutations M41L, L210W and T215Y in patients failing tenofovir/emtricitabine therapy
Betancor Gilberto, Garriga César, Puertas, Nevot María, Anta Lourdes, Pérez-Elías M, Martinez-Picado Javier, Menéndez-Arias Luis, Blanco, Martinez, De, For
17 pages
An RNAi in silicoapproach to find an optimal shRNA cocktail against HIV-1
Méndez-Ortega, Restrepo Silvia, Rodríguez-R, Pérez Iván, Sierra Roberto, Rey-Benito, Mendoza, Martinez
The updating of clinical practice guidelines: insights from an international survey
Alonso-Coello Pablo, Carrasco, Solà Ivan, Qureshi Safia, Burgers, The, Martinez
Comparison of venous plasma glycemia and capillary glycemia for the screening of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Japanese-Brazilian community of Mombuca (Guatapará-SP)
Foss-Freitas Maria, Figueiredo, Pace Ana, Dal, Foss, Martinez, Franco, De
Chronologically scheduled snacking with high-protein products within the habitual diet in type-2 diabetes patients leads to a fat mass loss: a longitudinal study
Navas-Carretero Santiago, Abete Itziar, Zulet, Martinez
Recombinant sterol esterase from Ophiostoma piceae: an improved biocatalyst expressed in Pichia pastoris
Cedillo Víctor, Plou, Martínez María, Martinez
Further insights of the variance component method for detecting QTL in livestock and aquacultural species: relaxing the assumption of additive effects
Gauging food and nutritional care quality in hospitals
Diez-Garcia Rosa, Proença, Leandro-Merhi Vania, Martinez Edson, Martinez, De
The evaluation of intracranial pressure by the carotid eco-color Doppler
Tress Jc, Lugarinho M, Knibel, Knibel Mf, Martinez
OBAYA (obesity and adverse health outcomes in young adults): feasibility of a population-based multiethnic cohort study using electronic medical records
Koebnick Corinna, Smith Ning, Huang Karl, Clancy, Kushi, Williams, Martinez
Obesity induced by a pair-fed high fat sucrose diet: methylation and expression pattern of genes related to energy homeostasis
Lomba Almudena, García-Díaz, Marti Amelia, Campión Javier, Milagro, Martinez
Comparison between logistic regression and neural networks to predict death in patients with suspected sepsis in the emergency room
Jaimes Fabián, Farbiarz Jorge, Alvarez Diego, Martínez Carlos, Martinez
Cluster analysis in severe emphysema subjects using phenotype and genotype data: an exploratory investigation
Washko, Criner, Reilly, Silverman, Laird Nan, Cho, Martinez, Hoffman, Hoffmann
The nervous system of Isodiametra pulchra (Acoela) with a discussion on the neuroanatomy of the Xenacoelomorpha and its evolutionary implications
Achatz Johannes, Martinez Pedro, Martinez
High-fat diet feeding alters metabolic response to fasting/non fasting conditions. Effect on caveolin expression and insulin signalling
Gómez-Ruiz Ana, Campión Javier, Milagro, De, Martinez
Disambiguation of biomedical text using diverse sources of information
Stevenson Mark, Guo Yikun, Gaizauskas Robert, Martinez David, Martinez
Melatonin reduces LH, 17 beta-estradiol and induces differential regulation of sex steroid receptors in reproductive tissues during rat ovulation
Seiva, Fávaro Wagner, Mendes, Fioruci, Pinheiro, Delella, Martinez Marcelo, A, Teixeira, Martinez, Fernandes, Amorim, Franci
Melatonin reduces LH, 17 beta-estradiol and induces differential regulation of sex steroid receptors in reproductive tissues during rat ovulation
Seiva, Fávaro Wagner, Mendes, Fioruci, Pinheiro, Delella, Martinez Marcelo, A, Teixeira, Martinez, Fernandes, Amorim, Franci
9 pages
Soybean and fish oil mixture increases IL-10, protects against DNA damage and decreases colonic inflammation in rats with dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) colitis
Silveira, Abreu, Gambero Alessandra, Xavier, Martinez, Barros, Nascimento, Carvalho, Ribeiro
Isolation and characterization of microparticles in sputum from cystic fibrosis patients
Porro Chiara, Lepore Silvia, Trotta Teresa, Castellani Stefano, Ratclif Luigi, Battaglino Anna, Conese Massimo, Maffione, Di, Martinez
CD8 apoptosis may be a predictor of T cell number normalization after immune reconstitution in HIV
Diez, Lukefahr, Kozinetz, Arduino, Lewis, Martinez, Gross
Reduction of exacerbations by the PDE4 inhibitor roflumilast - the importance of defining different subsets of patients with COPD
Rennard, Calverley, Goehring, Bredenbröker Dirk, Martinez
Inhibitory effect of essential oils obtained from plants grown in Colombia on yellow fever virus replication in vitro
Meneses Rocío, Ocazionez, Stashenko, Martinez
Self-reported recognition of undiagnosed life threatening conditions in chiropractic practice: a random survey
Ndetan Harrison, Rupert, Martinez Daniel, Daniel, Martinez