Carbon black and titanium dioxide nanoparticles elicit distinct apoptotic pathways in bronchial epithelial cells
Hussain Salik, Thomassen, Ferecatu Ioana, Borot Marie-Caroline, Andreau Karine, Martens, Fleury Jocelyne, Baeza-Squiban Armelle, Marano Francelyne, Boland, Boland Sonja
Carbon black and titanium dioxide nanoparticles elicit distinct apoptotic pathways in bronchial epithelial cells
Hussain Salik, Thomassen, Ferecatu Ioana, Borot Marie-Caroline, Andreau Karine, Martens, Fleury Jocelyne, Baeza-Squiban Armelle, Marano Francelyne, Boland, Boland Sonja
17 pages
Coverage prediction and optimization algorithms for indoor environments
Plets David, Joseph Wout, Vanhecke Kris, Tanghe Emmeric, Martens, Martens Luc
Solving a Hamiltonian Path Problem with a bacterial computer
Baumgardner Jordan, Acker Karen, Adefuye Oyinade, Crowley Samuel, Deloache Will, Dickson, Heard Lane, Martens, Morton Nickolaus, Ritter Michelle, Shoecraft Amber, Treece Jessica, Unzicker Matthew, Valencia Amanda, Waters Mike, Poet, Eckdahl, Campbell, Heyer
Solving a Hamiltonian Path Problem with a bacterial computer
Baumgardner Jordan, Acker Karen, Adefuye Oyinade, Crowley Samuel, Deloache Will, Dickson, Heard Lane, Martens, Morton Nickolaus, Ritter Michelle, Shoecraft Amber, Treece Jessica, Unzicker Matthew, Valencia Amanda, Waters Mike, Poet, Eckdahl, Campbell, Heyer
11 pages
Transcriptomic biomarkers of the response of hospitalized geriatric patients with infectious diseases
Vo Thi, Godard Patrice, Morrhaye Gabriel, Swine Christian, Geenen Vincent, Martens, Debacq-Chainiaux Florence, Toussaint, Toussaint Olivier, De
Lack of effect of high-protein vs. high-carbohydrate meal intake on stress-related mood and eating behavior
Lemmens, Martens, Born, Westerterp-Plantenga
Healthier food choices as a result of the revised healthy diet programme Krachtvoer for students of prevocational schools
Bessems, Assema, Martens, Paulussen, Raaijmakers, Rooij, Vries
Characterization and optimization of the power consumption in wireless access networks by taking daily traffic variations into account
Deruyck Margot, Tanghe Emmeric, Joseph Wout, Martens, Martens Luc
Micro-level economic factors and incentives in Children’s energy balance related behaviours - findings from the ENERGY European cross-section questionnaire survey
Lea Maes, Jensen Jørgen, Bere Elling, De, Jan Natasa, Manios Yannis, Martens, Molnar Denes, Singh, Brug Johannes, Moreno, Et
Micro-level economic factors and incentives in Children’s energy balance related behaviours - findings from the ENERGY European cross-section questionnaire survey
Lea Maes, Jensen Jørgen, Bere Elling, De, Jan Natasa, Manios Yannis, Martens, Molnar Denes, Singh, Brug Johannes, Moreno, Et
12 pages