Clinical utility of tissue Doppler imaging in patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated by cardiogenic shock
Hameed, Gosal Tirath, Fang Tielan, Ahmadie Roien, Lytwyn Matthew, Barac Ivan, Zieroth Shelley, Hussain Farrukh, Jassal
2037 Delayed contrast enhancement cardiac magnetic resonance imaging IN trastuzumab induced cardiomyopathy
Jassal, Fallah-Rad Nazanin, Lytwyn Matthew, Fang Tielan, Kirkpatrick, Kirkpatrick Iain
The impact of repeated marathon running on cardiovascular function in the aging population
Chelvanathan Anjala, Cleverley Kelby, Bhullar Navdeep, Sefidgar Mehdi, Karlstedt Erin, Kumar Kanwal, Lytwyn Matthew, Bohonis Sheena, Oomah Sacha, Nepomuceno Roman, Du Xiaozhou, Melnyk Steven, Ad, Zeglinski Matthew, Ducas Robin, Mackenzie Scott, Sharma Sat, Kirkpatrick, Jassal
The impact of repeated marathon running on cardiovascular function in the aging population
Chelvanathan Anjala, Cleverley Kelby, Bhullar Navdeep, Sefidgar Mehdi, Karlstedt Erin, Kumar Kanwal, Lytwyn Matthew, Bohonis Sheena, Oomah Sacha, Nepomuceno Roman, Du Xiaozhou, Melnyk Steven, Ad, Zeglinski Matthew, Ducas Robin, Mackenzie Scott, Sharma Sat, Kirkpatrick, Jassal
7 pages