Phosphate decreases urine calcium and increases calcium balance: A meta-analysis of the osteoporosis acid-ash diet hypothesis
Fenton, Eliasziw Michael, Tough, Hanley, Lyon
The safety of PolyGlycopleX®(PGX®) as shown in a 90-day rodent feeding study
Matulka, Burdock, Ann, Lyon, Merkel, Wood Simon
Supplementation of the diet with the functional fiber PolyGlycoplex®is well tolerated by healthy subjects in a clinical trial
Carabin, Pelletier Xavier, Donazzolo Yves, Burdock, Lyon, Wood Simon
Basophil activation test compared to skin prick test and fluorescence enzyme immunoassay for aeroallergen-specific Immunoglobulin-E
Ueno-Yamanouchi Aito, Serushago Bazir, Bowen Tom, Lu Cathy, Storek, Storek Jan, Lyon, Khan
Causal assessment of dietary acid load and bone disease: a systematic review & meta-analysis applying Hill's epidemiologic criteria for causality
Fenton, Tough, Eliasziw Misha, Hanley, Lyon