Evaluating the forced oscillation technique in the detection of early smoking-induced respiratory changes
Lopes, Jansen, Melo, Faria
The paraty artisanal fishery (southeastern Brazilian coast): ethnoecology and management of a social-ecological system (SES)
Begossi Alpina, Salyvonchyk Svetlana, Nora Vinicius, Lopes, Silvano
Anti-inflammatory effects and possible mechanism of action of lupeol acetate isolated from Himatanthus drasticus(Mart.) Plumel
Lucetti, Bandeira Mary, Veras, Leal Luzia, Lopes, Brito Gerly, Viana, Silva, Alves
Efficacy of beta-blocker therapy in symptomatic athletes with exercise-induced intra-ventricular gradients
Cotrim Carlos, Lopes, Almeida, Miranda Rita, Cotrim Hortense, Andrade, Picano Eugenio, Carrageta, Carrageta Manuel, Ana
Design and validity of a questionnaire to assess sexuality in pregnant women
Rudge, Calderon, Dias Adriano, Lopes, Maestá Izildinha, Odland Jon, Barbosa
The usefulness of contrast during exercise echocardiography for the assessment of systolic pulmonary pressure
Lopes, Loureiro, Miranda Rita, Almeida Sofia, Cordeiro Ana, Cotrim Carlos, Carrageta, Carrageta Manuel, Almeida
Cardiovascular function during acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) with hydroxyethyl starch or Ringer's lactate
Fraga Ao, Auler Joc, Silva Mr, Lopes, Lopes Mr
Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5 mediates the immune quiescence of the human brain endothelial barrier
Kooij Gijs, Lakeman Kim, Geerts Dirk, Ronken Eric, Reijerkerk Arie, Van, De, Lopes
Mechanisms of the antinociceptive action of (−) Epicatechin obtained from the hydroalcoholic fraction of Combretum leprosum Mart & Eic in rodents
Lopes, Marques Rosemarie, Fernandes Heliana, Ayres, Chaves Mariana, Pereira, Almeida
Analysis of longitudinal data of Nellore cattle from performance test at pasture using random regression model
Lopes, Magnabosco, Paulini Fernanda, Miyagi, Lôbo, Ad
Evaluation of prevalence's of pfdhfrand pfdhpsmutations in Angola
Fortes Filomeno, Dimbu Rafael, Figueiredo Paula, Neto Zoraima, Do, Lopes, Lopes Dinora
Optimization of a synthetic mixture composed of major Trichoderma reeseienzymes for the hydrolysis of steam-exploded wheat straw
Billard Hélène, Faraj Abdelaziz, Menir Sandra, Heiss-Blanquet, Heiss-Blanquet Senta, Lopes
Rest energy expenditure is decreased during the acute as compared to the recovery phase of sepsis in newborns
Feferbaum Rubens, Leone Cláudio, Siqueira, Lopes, Gallo, Wajnsztejn Rubens, Nascimento, Valenti, Reis, De
Goal-directed fluid management based on pulse pressure variation monitoring during high-risk surgery: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Lopes, Pereira Vanessa, Lemos Ivaneide, Auler Jose, Michard, Michard Frédéric, Oliveira
Social support and leisure-time physical activity: longitudinal evidence from the Brazilian Pró-Saúde cohort study
Lopes, Rostila Mikael, Griep, Werneck, Faerstein, Faerstein Eduardo, Oliveira, De
'Damage control' in the intensive care unit
Guimarães Hp, Ricci M, Schneider Ap, Leal Phr, Resque Ap, Ikeda Dc, Machado Fr, Amaral Jlg, Lopes, Amaral
Comparison of conformal and intensity modulated radiation therapy techniques for treatment of pelvic tumors. Analysis of acute toxicity
Ferrigno Robson, Santos Adriana, Weltman Eduardo, Sakuraba Roberto, Lopes, Chen, Martins, Cruz
Neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in the treatment of fixed and semi-fixed rectal tumors. Analysis of results and prognostic factors
Ferrigno Robson, Novaes Paulo, Silva Maria, Nishimoto Ines, Nakagawa Wilson, Rossi Benedito, Ferreira Fábio, Lopes, Lopes Ademar
Neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy in the treatment of fixed and semi-fixed rectal tumors. Analysis of results and prognostic factors
Ferrigno Robson, Novaes Paulo, Silva Maria, Nishimoto Ines, Nakagawa Wilson, Rossi Benedito, Ferreira Fábio, Lopes, Lopes Ademar
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