Reconstruct gene regulatory network using slice pattern model
Wang Yadong, Wang Guohua, Yang Bo, Tao Haijun, Deng Youping, Liu Yunlong, Yang, Liu
Genome-wide prediction of cis-acting RNA elements regulating tissue-specific pre-mRNA alternative splicing
Wang Xin, Wang Kejun, Radovich Milan, Wang Yue, Wang Guohua, Feng Weixing, Sanford, Liu Yunlong, Liu
Statistical assessment of the global regulatory role of histone acetylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Yuan Guo-Cheng, Ma Ping, Zhong Wenxuan, Liu
HuR interacts with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase, and modulates reverse transcription in infected cells
Lemay Julie, Maidou-Peindara Priscilla, Bader Thomas, Ennifar Eric, Rain Jean-Christophe, Benarous Richard, Liu Lang, Liu
Gene cloning and characterization of a novel esterase from activated sludge metagenome
Zhang Tao, Han Wen-Jun, Liu Zhi-Pei, Liu
Multi-tissue gene-expression analysis in a mouse model of thyroid hormone resistance
Mcphie Peter, Suzuki Hideyo, Kato Yasuhito, Cheng Sheue-Yann, Liu, Miller, Cheng
Protein kinase CK2α is overexpressed in colorectal cancer and modulates cell proliferation and invasion via regulating EMT-related genes
Zou Jinjin, Luo Hesan, Zeng Qin, Dong Zhongyi, Wu Dehua, Liu Li, Liu
Risk of postoperative hypoxemia in ambulatory orthopedic surgery patients with diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea: a retrospective observational study
Chisholm, Ngeow Justin, Memtsoudis, Ma Yan, John, Liu
Impact of immune escape mutations on HIV-1 fitness in the context of the cognate transmitted/founder genome
Song Hongshuo, Pavlicek, Cai Fangping, Bhattacharya Tanmoy, Iyer, Goonetilleke Nilu, Berg Anna, Hora Bhavna, Drinker, Eudailey Josh, Pickeral Joy, Moody M, Ferrari Guido, Mcmichael Andrew, Perelson, Haynes, Gao Feng, Liu, Shaw, Hahn, Li Hui, Bar, Decker
Impact of immune escape mutations on HIV-1 fitness in the context of the cognate transmitted/founder genome
Song Hongshuo, Pavlicek, Cai Fangping, Bhattacharya Tanmoy, Iyer, Goonetilleke Nilu, Berg Anna, Hora Bhavna, Drinker, Eudailey Josh, Pickeral Joy, Moody M, Ferrari Guido, Mcmichael Andrew, Perelson, Haynes, Gao Feng, Liu, Shaw, Hahn, Li Hui, Bar, Decker
14 pages
The effect of calcium phosphate nanoparticles on hormone production and apoptosis in human granulosa cells
Liu Xiaohui, Qin Dingxia, Cui Yugui, Chen Liang, Li Hao, Chen Zhen, Li Ying, Liu Jiayin, Liu, Gao Li
Detection of foot-and-mouth disease virus rna by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification
Chen Hao-Tai, Liu Yong-Sheng, Liu, Jie Zhang, Liu Xiang-Tao
Repeat hepatectomy for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma: a local experience and a systematic review
Zhou Yanming, Sui Chengjun, Yin Zhengfeng, Tan Yunchang, Yang Jiamei, Liu Zhenyu, Liu, Bin Li
Nuclear beta-catenin overexpression in metastatic sentinel lymph node is associated with synchronous liver metastasis in colorectal cancer
Cheng Hongxia, Liang Hui, Qin Yejun, Liu Ying, Liu
Identification and characterization of a novel nasopharyngeal carcinoma-associated peptide: NAP-1
Jiang, Yang, Li Feng, Wang Lei, Zhou Wen, Feng, Liu, Yao, Ren, Yin
Development and validation of an ELISA using a protein encoded by ORF2 antigenic domain of porcine circovirus type 2
Sun Shi-Qi, Guo Hui-Chen, Sun De-Hui, Yin Shuang-Hui, Shang You-Jun, Cai Xue-Peng, Liu Xiang-Tao, Liu
Alt Event Finder: a tool for extracting alternative splicing events from RNA-seq data
Zhou Ao, Breese, Hao Yangyang, Edenberg, Li Lang, Skaar, Liu Yunlong, Liu
Identification of a novel linear B-cell epitope in the UL26 and UL26.5 proteins of Duck Enteritis Virus
Liu Xiaoli, Han Zongxi, Shao Yuhao, Li Huixin, Wang Yu, Kong Xiangang, Liu Shengwang, Liu, Yu Dan
Isochronal function projective synchronization between chaotic and time-delayed chaotic systems
Wu Ranchao, Liu Junlian, Liu
Aging of NAPLs interfaces in porous media and their effects on mass transfer of organic contaminants [Elektronische Ressource] / vorgelegt von Lihua Liu