Predictors of initiation and persistence of unhealthy weight control behaviours in adolescents
Neumark-Sztainer, Neumark-Sztainer Dianne, Wall, Haines Jess, Linde
HealthWorks: results of a multi-component group-randomized worksite environmental intervention trial for weight gain prevention
Nygaard, Maclehose, Harnack, Cousins, Jeffery, Mitchell, Graham, Linde
Are fast food restaurants an environmental risk factor for obesity?
Jeffery, Baxter Judy, Mcguire Maureen, Linde Jennifer, Linde
The relationship between prevalence and duration of weight loss strategies and weight loss among overweight managed care organization members enrolled in a weight loss trial
Jeffery, Pronk, Boyle, Erickson, Linde
Specific food intake, fat and fiber intake, and behavioral correlates of BMI among overweight and obese members of a managed care organization
Utter Jennifer, Jeffery, Sherwood, Pronk, Boyle, Linde