Combined inactivation of the Clostridium cellulolyticumlactate and malate dehydrogenase genes substantially increases ethanol yield from cellulose and switchgrass fermentations
Li Yongchao, Tschaplinski, Engle, Liao, Schadt, Guss, Yang Yunfeng, Graham, Hamilton, Miguel Rodriguez
Combined inactivation of the Clostridium cellulolyticumlactate and malate dehydrogenase genes substantially increases ethanol yield from cellulose and switchgrass fermentations
Li Yongchao, Tschaplinski, Engle, Liao, Schadt, Guss, Yang Yunfeng, Graham, Hamilton, Miguel Rodriguez
13 pages
A learning-based target decomposition method using Kernel KSVD for polarimetric SAR image classification
He Chu, Liao Zi-Xian, Shi Bo, Liu Xiao-Nian, Xu Xin, Liao, Liao Ming-Sheng, Ming Liu
Gene expression profiles in primary pancreatic tumors and metastatic lesions of Ela-c-myctransgenic mice
Thakur Archana, Bollig Aliccia, Wu Jiusheng, Liao
Unfractionated heparin and enoxaparin reduce high-stretch ventilation augmented lung injury: a prospective, controlled animal experiment
Li Li-Fu, Huang Chung-Chi, Lin Horng-Chyuan, Tsai Ying-Huang, Quinn, Liao, Liao Shuen-Kuei
Acute effects of fine particulate air pollution on ST segment height: A longitudinal study
He Fan, Shaffer, Rodriguez-Colon Sol, Bixler, Vgontzas, Cascio, Liao, Liao Duanping, Williams, Wu Rongling
Analysis of post-operative changes in serum protein expression profiles from colorectal cancer patients by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: a pilot methodological study
Liao, Mehta Anuja, Marsh Simon, Arulampalam Tan, Ward, Norton
Rapid label-free identification of mixed bacterial infections by surface plasmon resonance
Wang Jue, Luo Yang, Zhang Bo, Chen Ming, Huang Junfu, Zhang Kejun, Gao Weiyin, Fu Weiling, Jiang Tianlun, Liao, Liao Pu
Retrospective analysis of protein kinase C-beta (PKC-β) expression in lymphoid malignancies and its association with survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
Li Shuyu, Phong Mark, Lahn Michael, Brail Leslie, Sutton Susan, Lin, Thornton Donald, Liao, Liao Birong
Retrospective analysis of protein kinase C-beta (PKC-β) expression in lymphoid malignancies and its association with survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas
Li Shuyu, Phong Mark, Lahn Michael, Brail Leslie, Sutton Susan, Lin, Thornton Donald, Liao, Liao Birong
13 pages
Loss of Programmed cell death 4 (Pdcd4) associates with the progression of ovarian cancer
Wei Na, Leung, Tam, Liao, Ngan, Chan, Cheung, Liu
A baculovirus dual expression system-based vaccine confers complete protection against lethal challenge with H9N2 avian influenza virus in mice
Lin Wenyao, Fan Huiying, Cheng Xiaoliang, Ye Yu, Chen Xiaowei, Ren Tao, Qi Wenbao, Liao, Liao Ming
Too much data, but little inter-changeability: a lesson learned from mining public data on tissue specificity of gene expression
Li Shuyu, Li Yiqun, Wei Tao, Su Eric, Duffin Kevin, Liao, Liao Birong