Antibody microarray analysis of cell surface antigens on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from HIV+ individuals correlates with disease stages
Belov Larissa, Chrisp Jeremy, Learmont Jenny, Zaunders John, Cunningham, Dwyer, Saksena, Dyer, Wang Bin, Jing Wu
Amyloid precursor protein selective gamma-secretase inhibitors for treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Basi, Hemphill Susanna, Brigham, Liao Anna, Aubele, Baker Jeanne, Barbour Robin, Bova Michael, Chen Xiao-Hua, Dappen, Eichenbaum Tovah, Goldbach Erich, Hawkinson Jon, Lawler-Herbold Rose, Hu Kang, Hui Terence, Jagodzinski, Keim, Kholodenko Dora, Latimer, Marugg Jennifer, Mattson, Mccauley Scott, Motter Ruth, Mutter Linda, Neitzel, Ni Huifang, Nguyen Lan, Quinn Kevin, Ruslim Lany, Semko, Shapiro Paul, Smith Jenifer, Soriano Ferdie, Szoke Balazs, Tanaka Kevin, Tang Pearl, Tucker, Ye, Yu Mei, Xu Ying-Zi, Garofalo, Konradi, Ness Daniel, Shopp George, Pleiss, Freedman, Schenk Dale, Miller, Jing Wu, Sauer, Lee Mike
Amyloid precursor protein selective gamma-secretase inhibitors for treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Basi, Hemphill Susanna, Brigham, Liao Anna, Aubele, Baker Jeanne, Barbour Robin, Bova Michael, Chen Xiao-Hua, Dappen, Eichenbaum Tovah, Goldbach Erich, Hawkinson Jon, Lawler-Herbold Rose, Hu Kang, Hui Terence, Jagodzinski, Keim, Kholodenko Dora, Latimer, Marugg Jennifer, Mattson, Mccauley Scott, Motter Ruth, Mutter Linda, Neitzel, Ni Huifang, Nguyen Lan, Quinn Kevin, Ruslim Lany, Semko, Shapiro Paul, Smith Jenifer, Soriano Ferdie, Szoke Balazs, Tanaka Kevin, Tang Pearl, Tucker, Ye, Yu Mei, Xu Ying-Zi, Garofalo, Konradi, Ness Daniel, Shopp George, Pleiss, Freedman, Schenk Dale, Miller, Jing Wu, Sauer, Lee Mike
21 pages
Cadmium suppresses the proliferation of piglet Sertoli cells and causes their DNA damage, cell apoptosis and aberrant ultrastructure
Zhang Ming, He Zuping, Wen Lixin, Yuan Liyun, Lu Yin, Guo Chengzhi, Zhu Li, Deng Sijun, Yuan, Yuan Hui, Jing Wu
The effects of protein phosphatase inhibitors on the duration of central sensitization of rat dorsal horn neurons following injection of capsaicin
Zhang Xuan, Fang Li, Willis, Jing Wu
Protein kinases mediate increment of the phosphorylation of cyclic AMP -responsive element binding protein in spinal cord of rats following capsaicin injection
Su Guangxiao, Ma Long, Zhang Xuan, Lei Yongzhong, Li Junfa, Lin Qing, Fang Li, Jing Wu, Fang
Mitochondrial genetic differentiation across populations of the malaria vector Anopheles lesterifrom China (Diptera: Culicidae)
Yang Manni, Ma Yajun, Wu, Jing Wu
Clinical significance of serum lipids in idiopathic pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Fang, Wang Chun, Zhang, Wang Wei, Jing Wu, Wang
Longitudinal microarray analysis of cell surface antigens on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV+ individuals on highly active antiretroviral therapy
Chrisp Jeremy, Belov Larissa, Saksena, Dyer, Wang Bin, Jing Wu
Genome-wide analysis of primary CD4+ and CD8+ T cell transcriptomes shows evidence for a network of enriched pathways associated with HIV disease
Dwyer, Yang Yee, Saksena, Dyer, Jing Wu, Wang Bin
Extracellular overexpression of recombinant Thermobifida fuscacutinase by alpha-hemolysin secretion system in E. coliBL21(DE3)
Su Lingqia, Chen Sheng, Woodard, Chen Jian, Wu, Jing Wu, Li Yi