Transcriptional recapitulation and subversion of embryonic colon development by mouse colon tumor models and human colon cancer
Boivin, Kaiser Sergio, Park Young-Kyu, Halberg, Yu Ming, Jessen, Freudenberg Johannes, Chen Xiaodi, Haigis Kevin, Jegga, Kong Sue, Sakthivel Bhuvaneswari, Xu Huan, Reichling Timothy, Azhar Mohammad, Bissahoyo, Gonzales Fausto, Bloom, Eschrich Steven, Aronow, Kleimeyer John, Kleimeyer Michael, Ramaswamy Vivek, Settle, Boone Braden, Levy Shawn, Graff, Doetschman Thomas, Groden Joanna, Dove, Threadgill, Yeatman, Coffey, Carter, Franklin, Roberts
Transcriptional recapitulation and subversion of embryonic colon development by mouse colon tumor models and human colon cancer
Boivin, Kaiser Sergio, Park Young-Kyu, Halberg, Yu Ming, Jessen, Freudenberg Johannes, Chen Xiaodi, Haigis Kevin, Jegga, Kong Sue, Sakthivel Bhuvaneswari, Xu Huan, Reichling Timothy, Azhar Mohammad, Bissahoyo, Gonzales Fausto, Bloom, Eschrich Steven, Aronow, Kleimeyer John, Kleimeyer Michael, Ramaswamy Vivek, Settle, Boone Braden, Levy Shawn, Graff, Doetschman Thomas, Groden Joanna, Dove, Threadgill, Yeatman, Coffey, Carter, Franklin, Roberts
26 pages
A vertex similarity-based framework to discover and rank orphan disease-related genes
Zhu Cheng, Kushwaha Akash, Berman Kenneth, Jegga
Staging of biliary atresia at diagnosis by molecular profiling of the liver
Moyer Katie, Kaimal Vivek, Pacheco Cristina, Mourya Reena, Xu Huan, Shivakumar Pranavkumar, Chakraborty Ranajit, Rao Marepalli, Magee, Bove Kevin, Aronow, Jegga, Bezerra