Protein kinase C-α signals P115RhoGEF phosphorylation and RhoA activation in TNF-α-induced mouse brain microvascular endothelial cell barrier dysfunction
Peng Jing, He Fang, Zhang Ciliu, Deng Xiaolu, Yin Fei, Yin
Identification and characterization of a new E3 ubiquitin ligase in white spot syndrome virus involved in virus latency
He Fang, Kwang, Kwang Jimmy
Characterization and specificity of the linear epitope of the enterovirus 71 VP2 protein
Kiener, Jia Qiang, Lim Xiao, He Fang, Meng Tao, Kwong, Kwang, Kwang Jimmy
Neonatal local noxious insult affects gene expression in the spinal dorsal horn of adult rats
Ren Ke, Novikova, He Fang, Dubner Ronald, Lidow